It would be easy to criticize
Next Day Air for its innocuous use of stereotypes or even for its [somewhat] predictable plot but, to do so, would not save this movie from being worse than it already is. Instead, it would be better suited to lament this film for ever being made in the first place.
Far be it from me to pass judgment on something I’m quite sure was time consuming, yet required little to no effort to write; but just in watching, one can easily tell that not much thought went into the creative process. It’s bad enough movies with an all black cast are downtrodden enough as it is and, sure enough,
Next Day Air is no exception.
Directed by Benny Boom,
Next Day Air is nothing more than an urban crime drama with a little bit of satire, as well as action, thrown in for good measure. Now, on paper, the added involvement of Mike
Epps would seem like a surefire project that a lot of people would be dying to check out but, trust me, none of the above elements work well together whatsoever. In fact, it almost feels as if everything was slapped together and the end result is that of which you can’t help but watch mindlessly, wondering why the hell you just paid to see it. Not to mention, the acting isn't all that great either.
Yet and still, I guess the films only saving grace is that of Yasmin
Deliz. Her feisty and charismatic portrayal of
Chita breathes a little bit of life into the movie and her presence also makes for some rather nice eye candy.
In the end, is it enough to make the movie watchable? By all means no, but it all depends on your preference. I, for one, found nothing in particular to be remotely entertaining about
Next Day Air, yet some will argue that it's the best thing since sliced bread. To
each's own, I suppose; but, in this case, I think return to sender would've been the perfect label for it. You be the judge.
Rating: 1 inkblot out of 5