I guess it was inevitable but can someone please explain to me why Kim Kardashian’s 15 seconds of fame is still going strong? I mean, what the hell is she even famous for? The only thing that comes to mind is the fact that she has been linked to everyone from Nick Cannon to Reggie Bush, and let’s not forget her infamous sex tape with Ray J, but other than that…what talent does this broad even have? Good looks can only get you so far and with her much “talked about” playboy pictorial hitting shelves sometime next month, I guess Kim is wallowing in what time she has left.
Most recently Kim graced the cover of last month’s KING magazine and made history as one of the first non-African American woman to ever get the cover but call a ace a ace and a spade a spade…people just can’t seem to get enough of Ms. Kardashian. Her television show, Keeping Up With The Kardashian’s, on the E! Network debuted on October 14th and only proves the aforementioned to be correct For what it’s worth, Kim is soaking up every bit of time she has left and with little to no talent…I can’t wait to see what happens when all those flashing lights turn to bitter bulbs. What a day it’ll be, the only bad part is that a new “Kim Kardashian” will be brought to the forefront and so goes this never-ending, vicious circle. Viva La White Girl!
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