December 19, 2007
"Not Even Jay-Z Did That..."
December 17, 2007
I Am Legend

I’m not sure what the obsession is with movies with a post apocalyptic theme, but people are drawn to such films and I’ve never understood why. Maybe it’s the fact that, in the event of something happening, we would know how to respond because we saw it in a movie but all that goes out the window when faced with an impending conclusion to all that we know. Whatever the reason is, I’m not sure, nor does it matter, but the latest film from Will Smith, I Am Legend, examines things from a familiar vantage point and, I must say, I was remotely impressed. No, the film didn’t blow me away like some of his other films that I have enjoyed over recent years but while I was watching it, I felt like Will had nothing left to prove. His talent as an actor is remarkable and it’s a shame that the Academy Awards hasn’t honored him with an Oscar but his time will come and hopefully soon. I was damn sure he would win for The Pursuit of Happyness but I can’t hate on Forrest Whittaker because, he too, deserved recognition for the years of hard work that he’s put in also.
All that aside, I Am Legend is an enigma of sorts in that it stands alone when compared to Smith’s previous work. 90% of the movie is a man and his dog trying to survive and the hardest thing for an actor is to “act” alone. Now, I’m no expert when it comes to things of that nature but can you imagine how hard it must be for one actor to have to carry the majority of a movie? It takes a talented actor that can show range in their performance and performance wise, Smith pulls Legend off with flying colors.
All that glitters is not gold, however, as I also found Legend kind of dull at some parts. I congratulate Smith on having a killer weekend at the box office (the movie grossed $76.5 million--Will’s highest opening gross ever) but all it takes is a little bad word of mouth and a sharp decline will kill Legend’s hopes of being a success. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that this is a bad film because I understood the message that was trying to get across. I enjoyed it for what it was and I recommend it to those who just want to see a “popcorn” movie but Smith has better days to come and when all is said and done, his legend and legacy will be remembered for everything except this.
Without question, Smith deserves all the credit and accolades that he has received over the years and I’m happy for his success but Will delivers no matter what. He will undoubtedly go down as “Mr. Blockbuster” and with things looking bright from the profit that came in over the weekend, Will’s laughing straight to the bank and only making his legend stronger.
"That Was So Disrespectful..."
December 14, 2007
Bow Wow & Omarion: Face Off

This whole “Best of Both World’s” thing is starting to get ridiculous if you ask me. I mean, really…really, who in they’re right mind thought that a Bow Wow & Omarion album was a good idea? If it didn’t work for R. Kelly & Jay-Z then why would it work for the lesser talent of Bow & Omarion? I’m not saying that I don’t respect the two for what they do because each are talented in their own right but everything that looks good on paper doesn’t mean that it’s going to work. Actually, to be honest, it just doesn’t work because this album is nothing but a waste of time. I don’t know if it’s because I’m not a part of the “106 & Park” audience that this album is mostly catered to or what but this album is pointless if you ask me.
All in all, there are a few bright spots in all this that I thought was a milestone but those are few and far between. I thought it was nice to hear the transition of Bow Wow to more mature themes (he actually swears on this album--no censors) but is it just me, or is Bow sounding eerily similar to Lil’ Wayne? You can clearly tell that Bow is modeling his style after Wayne but Bow’s swagger allows him to pull it off slightly. It’s still not quite believable but I’d listen to Bow over most of these rappers out now so I guess I’ll have to give credit where credit is due. The only complaint is that if you’re going to be like Wayne then…step YOUR rap game up! Lines like, “maybe we can kick it like a soccer player” are laughable and, besides…it’s been said before so next time around…be a little more original.
As for Omarion, not much can be said about his contributions because he mostly just played the background. I felt that he never really got the time to shine on his own collaborative album, which is kind of strange, but that just goes to show how uneven this album really is. Other than the great production and save for a couple of stand out tracks, the album is a disappointment and makes me glad that I didn’t waste money on this forgettable piece of work.
December 12, 2007
The Dream: Love/Hate

Getting things started is the catchy, lead single “Shawty Is The Sh**” featuring Fabolous but the album has quite a few noticeable cuts. Personally, I found the follow up single “Falsetto” to be a stand out among them all but joints like “Fast Car”, “I Luv Your Girl”, and “Nikki” are equally good as well. I guess the thing I like most about Dream is that he doesn’t follow the typical pattern of what a song is supposed to be. As an R&B artist, love songs are a prevalent theme but Dream’s approach to that is unlike any other artist of his time. Therefore, I respect the fact that he’s different and his uniqueness breathes life into an, otherwise, stale state of music.
Without question, music is holding on for dear life at the moment but with artist’s like Dream I think things will be ok. I’m not sure if it’s a lack of creativity or what but on one side you have people like Dream and on the other you have those like Soulja Boy. Music is definitely in need of something fresh and with “Love/Hate”, The Dream helps bridge that gap...just a little.
December 8, 2007
*Gð§§ïþ [Gossip]

Maybe it’s just me but I don’t fuck with too many people, plain and simple. I have a small circle of people I consider “close” friends so everybody else outside that is more like an acquaintance, if you will. Now, as far as I’m concerned, I could care less about people who fall into that group but the thing that kills me is that some people actually take offense when you see each other and don’t speak. Call it whatever you wanna call it but it is what it is. I have no reason to justify my actions but if you want me to be blunt about it then so be it. Maybe…I don’t like you. For what reason? Go figure, but all that shit is elementary to begin with so, like I said, keep it moving. I think Jay-Z said it best, “males shouldn’t be jealous, that’s a female’s trait”…I’m not saying that I have anything, of note, for someone to be jealous of but I’m sure you get what I’m trying to say in a roundabout way.
Basically, I’m tired of people throwing dirt on my name over something that happened earlier this year. All of that is in the past and all parties involved are on to bigger and better, at least I hope. Am I wrong for wanting things to have never happened the way they did? Of course not and I regret a lot of bad decisions I made on my part but what’s done is done so what other choice do I have then to live with it? I was fully aware of the situation so for somebody to put their little two cents into all of this…I feel like none of that is needed nor wanted. Therefore, I suggest for future reference to keep any and all opinions to yourself because none of that shit matters to me, ya dig? On that note, I apologize to those who take offense but, again, like Jay-Z said, “...What you eat, don’t make me shit”
December 7, 2007
Smooth & Deelishis

It’s no secret why people love her either and when it’s all said and done she’ll be forgotten for the next pretty face but until that time comes, I’m guessing she’s focused on leaving us wanting more. She’s damn near graced every men’s magazine possible and her latest photo shoot was for Smooth magazine. Overall, the pics came out kind of hot but once you’ve seen one Deelishis picture, you’ve pretty much seen ’em all. Anyway, click on the link if you want to see the rest but in related news, word on the street is that Ms. New York may be pregnant. Not necessarily from one of the guy’s from her show but it’s just a rumor so take it or leave it. When/if I find out more, I’ll blog about it but until then I’m out.
For more of the Smooth magazine spread featuring Deelishis, click here.
Beanie Sigel: The Solution

I pretty much think I’m one of the select few that actually enjoyed his first single off the new album that features R. Kelly but after hearing other joints like “Go Low”, “Gutted” and “What They Gon’ Say To Me”, I figured the album had the potential to be great if not classic. Needless to say, the album is far away from great and the biggest complaint I have, personally, is that Beanie Sigel seems to have forced everything. Lyrically, Beans is a monster when it comes to this “rap shit” as he would put it but he failed to deliver this time around and it’s nothing more than a huge disappointment.
Maybe I’m reading too much into things but it is what it is, you know? I expected The Solution to re-establish Beanie Sigel among the elite MC’s in the game but the way things are looking…I expect that when it’s all said and done, Beanie Sigel will be lumped into the same mold as Jadakiss. You know, rappers who are extremely talented but suffer from bad creative control and poor album sales. I never expect to hear any of the two to have a number one hit anymore and I doubt it will happen anytime soon but I could be wrong. Shout out to Jada for being down with the Roc though. Again, I doubt his stock will rise now that he’s with a winning team but maybe this is exactly what he needed to jumpstart his promising career.
Getting back to The Solution, however, I enjoyed the production mostly and here and there Beans came through with that “her-oin flow” of his. Overall, the album is solid though but caters to hardcore fans mainly. I respect him for taking things in a new direction and all with some of his song selections but most of the time I found myself scratching my head. I’ve never been good at math and I’m not sure if Beans is or not but my suggestion is that next go ‘round, he should check his work because he comes to a solution that leaves a lot of things unanswered.
Ghostface Killah: The Big Doe Rehab

With little to no promotion behind it, I had heard from various websites of how good it was and to my surprise…I wasn’t disappointed. I mean, the album was really that good. It’s rare that an album these days has fluidity throughout and while Ghostface still managed to confuse the hell out of me, I found the album to be enjoyable from start to finish. The sad part about it though is that most people will never know that because the album will probably only be well-received by loyal fans of Ghost. All that aside though, the production was nice and it was good to hear members of the Wu-Tang vibing together once again…setting up perfectly for their new album 8 Diagrams dropping this Tuesday. And they say Hip-Hop is dead…
December 6, 2007
*ÐïåmðñЧ & Gïrl§ [Diamonds & Girls]

I wrote this earlier this year but held on to it for some reason. I had contemplated whether or not I wanted to post it but came to the decision to do so after seeing something that struck me as odd, a little while ago, while leaving Wal-Mart. It's funny how relationships work and how people continue to go back to bad ones but we all have this sense of wanting to belong and without it we feel lost. It's sad that people can't be content and would rather settle for false love but that's life. I hope my words are an inspiration for those who have been where I've been so keep your head up and let patience be your guide. Love conquer's least I'm told...but that could be an overstatement so take it or leave it.