Maybe it’s just me but I don’t fuck with too many people, plain and simple. I have a small circle of people I consider “close” friends so everybody else outside that is more like an acquaintance, if you will. Now, as far as I’m concerned, I could care less about people who fall into that group but the thing that kills me is that some people actually take offense when you see each other and don’t speak. Call it whatever you wanna call it but it is what it is. I have no reason to justify my actions but if you want me to be blunt about it then so be it. Maybe…I don’t like you. For what reason? Go figure, but all that shit is elementary to begin with so, like I said, keep it moving. I think Jay-Z said it best, “males shouldn’t be jealous, that’s a female’s trait”…I’m not saying that I have anything, of note, for someone to be jealous of but I’m sure you get what I’m trying to say in a roundabout way.
Basically, I’m tired of people throwing dirt on my name over something that happened earlier this year. All of that is in the past and all parties involved are on to bigger and better, at least I hope. Am I wrong for wanting things to have never happened the way they did? Of course not and I regret a lot of bad decisions I made on my part but what’s done is done so what other choice do I have then to live with it? I was fully aware of the situation so for somebody to put their little two cents into all of this…I feel like none of that is needed nor wanted. Therefore, I suggest for future reference to keep any and all opinions to yourself because none of that shit matters to me, ya dig? On that note, I apologize to those who take offense but, again, like Jay-Z said, “...What you eat, don’t make me shit”
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