Although he was expected not to opt out of the $17.8 million that was owed to him in the final year of his contract, Davis has chosen to do just that and, by all accounts, you can expect a handful of teams to request his services. His performance in last year's playoffs solidified his status as an elite player in the NBA and any team in desperate need of an invaluable point guard would be lucky to have him. However, I fully expect the Warriors to re-sign Davis in an attempt to pull off a [possible] sign and trade and make that rumored deal with the Detroit Pistons happen. Then again, as I watch ESPN, I'm also hearing that the L.A. Clippers is a more likely destination so you just never know.
Either way, Baron Davis has earned my respect as an elite player and I would love nothing more then to see him win a championship. Him and Allen Iverson. Those two have been long overdue, especially A.I., but if Kevin Garnett can finally win one then there may just be hope after all. On paper, pairing Baron with Elton Brand in L.A. will be commanding and will give the Clippers a real presence. Not to mention, it would make them a legitimate contender to challenge out west. Could I see them winning a championship? Yes, if given time but just Elton Brand and Baron Davis isn't going to cut it. The Clippers need a few more pieces to make this thing work in the long run, but all this talk is contingent upon Baron agreeing to even come there in the first place. Therefore, it's all wait and see for now and Baron, it's your move.
***BREAKING NEWS: Reportedly, Baron Davis has verbally agreed to a five-year deal worth roughly $65 million with the Los Angelas Clippers.
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