Forgive me if I’m wrong, or if my opinion does not conform with that of the majority, but Eagle Eye is nothing more than a stylized version of Will Smith’s Enemy of the State. That being said, to call this movie original, or even good for that matter, would be contrite on my part; so, instead, I would only feel justified in telling it like it is, rather than to support mediocrity.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the ascension of Shia LaBeouf to elite, star status, but Eagle Eye is far from anything spectacular. Like I said, it’s nothing more than a recycled concept of sorts; and although some people will fail to realize this; I, for one, was not oblivious to this fact and could not help but feel a little cheated. It’s one thing to knowingly waste your money. It’s another to be misled. Allow me to explain.
Going in, I expected this movie to absolutely blow me away and have me [somewhat] on the edge of my seat; but when none of that happened, I was more upset if anything. Sure, as much as I realize technology has become a gift and a curse; the idea that we have become slaves to it doesn’t really come off well on screen and, when you really think about it, it never really has.
I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me that feels that way, but it takes quite a suspension of reality in order for a movie like Eagle Eye to come off as “believable”. None of it works in any shape or form whatsoever and the mundane plot is so convoluted that it’s no wonder the action sequences happen at such a rapid pace (i.e., it was purposely done so to distract you from all the bullshit).
Nevertheless, I’ll give credit where credit is due and I’ll argue, justly, that this movie will keep you entertained. If not for Shia LaBeouf, this movie is easily a B-movie, at best; so instead of rushing to the theater to see this mindless piece of crap, do yourself a favor and wait for it on DVD. You’ll be glad you did.
Rating: 2 inkblots out of 5
This movie was amazing. Michelle did a great job and Shia did, too. She got in super shape for this movie,.. then got pregnant after it, Lol.
Anyways, this movie was believable, I have no idea why you don't think so. It's b/c you don't know how the govt works, haha... we're not paranoid.. we simply have No privacy in America anymore..
So... I gave it a 7.5. But I haven't seen 'Enemy of the State'.. so I compared it to Dark Knight and Ironman [which were a 9 and 8 consecutively.]
I respect your decision to dislike it though. Maybe you would've enjoyed it more if he died at the end.. Lol.
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