The commercial press for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is [somewhat] misleading if you ask me. Not only is this film a microcosm of its stellar predecessor, but that same wonderment that came along
with it seems to be replaced with a convoluted plot that extends beyond nothing more than a multitude of slow motion explosions and just another opportunity to sell more action figures.
Which is quite the reality that is Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Albeit ravenous fan boys will argue in its defense; the fact of the matter is that this film is just not very good. Nothing about it makes any more special than summer blockbusters of years past; and it's disappointing in a sense to see such a well established franchise such as Transformers sell its own soul for the sake of a dollar. It just doesn't make sense (literally or figuratively) and I solely place the blame on the shoulders of Michael Bay.
His vision for over-the-top action sequences has become a proverbial crutch throughout his career and, after a while, the monotony of it all starts to wear ridiculously thin. Still, it was I that praised Michael Bay for finding the perfect balance the first time around and, in watching this sequel, I could hardly get a feel for what the director was trying to get across on screen. Save for the racial undertones perhaps, Megan Fox's significant screen time was the only other thing that was obvious; and what can I say, I was just not impressed much by that either.
But in every dark cloud lies a silver lining, I suppose, and one movie will do little to tarnish Transformers as a bankable entity. Besides, the first film had a strong enough foundation to garner this film a pass; and I fully expect Michael Bay and company to right the ship the next time around. least one could only hope anyway.

Which is quite the reality that is Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Albeit ravenous fan boys will argue in its defense; the fact of the matter is that this film is just not very good. Nothing about it makes any more special than summer blockbusters of years past; and it's disappointing in a sense to see such a well established franchise such as Transformers sell its own soul for the sake of a dollar. It just doesn't make sense (literally or figuratively) and I solely place the blame on the shoulders of Michael Bay.
His vision for over-the-top action sequences has become a proverbial crutch throughout his career and, after a while, the monotony of it all starts to wear ridiculously thin. Still, it was I that praised Michael Bay for finding the perfect balance the first time around and, in watching this sequel, I could hardly get a feel for what the director was trying to get across on screen. Save for the racial undertones perhaps, Megan Fox's significant screen time was the only other thing that was obvious; and what can I say, I was just not impressed much by that either.
But in every dark cloud lies a silver lining, I suppose, and one movie will do little to tarnish Transformers as a bankable entity. Besides, the first film had a strong enough foundation to garner this film a pass; and I fully expect Michael Bay and company to right the ship the next time around. least one could only hope anyway.
Rating: 2 ½ inkblots out of 5
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