Sure, it would've been nice had the Academy awarded her for such a performance; but leave it to the BET Awards to be the only award show to reward her for a job well done.
Don't get me wrong. I'm happy BET was gracious enough to recognize Taraji FINALLY, but I think this reflects bad on the Academy. Taraji outright deserved that award for Best Supporting Actress and anybody that says otherwise is just being unreasonable.
Truth be told, she's been great ever since Baby Boy as far as I'm concerned; and if Benjamin Button was her best performance thus far, just imagine where things could go from here.
An inquisitive thought if ever there was one, I mind you, but what's even more rewarding is the added attention Taraji has been getting ever since Benjamin Button was released. The magazine covers, interviews, etc. have been long overdue in my opinion; but with people finally starting to take notice, at least her long road to get here can finally be validated. Wouldn't you agree?
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