It's still hard to believe that Nicki Minaj decided to name her debut album "Pink Friday" (of all things), but I think the cover art for it more than makes up for a lack of creativity.
It's no secret as to how much the "Barbie theme" has been a part of her career, so a part of me halfway expected it to be included in some way, shape, or form on her album. The only question I have, however, is where are her arms?

Other than that, I'm just curious to see how well the album is going to do numbers wise. Both KanYe West and Jay-Z have albums slated to be released that same day and just imagine if Nicki were to somehow manage to outsell them both?
Everything up to this point in her career would be validated and, dare I say, a resurgence in Female Hip-Hop would be born...
Perhaps I'm a little premature in suggesting that but, considering what little competetion Nicki has presently, you would think it wouldn't be a bad thing.
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