Little did I know that a lot of these restaurants were prevalent in the Florida panhandle and the more we passed on our way back to Panama City later that night, the more I became curious to, at least, want to try one.
And what do you know? I, indeed, got that chance as we came together mutually to have Whataburger for dinner that night and it really hit the spot. My only complaint was that cheese isn't offered as a primary topping but that minute detail aside, I guess my overall experience of Whataburger can best be described as that one scene in Harold & Kumar when they finally sit down to enjoy their ever elusive meal at White Castle. The food was REALLY that good!
Now, is it on par as one of the best burgers I've ever eaten? No, I wouldn't go that far; but I think the timing of our visit didn't really allow me to get a thorough look at their menu either. The assorted variety of menu items appeared to be far ranging and a second visit will definitely help shape a more solid and/or credible opinion.
Man V. Food Rating: 6 bites out of 10
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