Anyway, the girl in the tape is supposedly New York but, as always, it’s hard to tell with things of this nature. I highly doubt it is though which wouldn’t surprise me but celebrities and sex tape rumors seem to be the new “thing” now. I heard a while back that Ciara had one, as well as Vivica Fox, so go figure? Like I said, none of this is 100% accurate so take it or leave it for what it is but who knows, it may actually be her. If so, I’m sure she’ll deny it until the very end but all it takes is the right production company to come through and flash a couple of dollars and we’ll have, Tiffany “New York” Pollard Sex Superstar a’ la Kim Kardashian. Hey, at least her self-proclaimed nickname of being the H.B.I.C could work as a double meaning now, LOL.
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