Kanye West is ahead of his time. I don’t care what anybody else says but the guy is a genius as far as I’m concerned. Not only are all of his albums solid, well-rounded pieces of work but the guy just knows how to get the most of the limelight he’s in. Anyway, news of Rihanna and N.E.R.D. joining Kanye’s Glow in the Dark tour broke this week and with Lupe Fiasco already down, this tour sounds like it’s going to be crazy. Kanye, Lupe, and Pharrell are supposed to be forming some kind of band so it would be kind of cool to hear some new material from the trio but this is still pretty big for music. I’m a fan of all the artists involved so this is almost like a dream come true! Well, maybe I’m exaggerating a little bit but you get the idea. Now, if only I could get people to stop saying that I look like him. It was cool at first but now it’s ridiculous. See what I have to live with, LOL?
Here’s the official website of the tour. Nothing has been posted as far as tour dates and what not but to stay informed, click
here to check it out. More info will be revealed in the following weeks/months but this summer looks pretty promising for such a hot tour,
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