It’s amazing how much photo shop can help a picture look this good but it’s no secret that Trina has lost a lot of weight either. Her thickness that she was known for is no longer there and it kind of makes you mad a little bit but at least she looks better than she did a few months ago. I’m not exactly sure of the timeframe but I remember this whole deal of a photo shoot she did and she looked anorexic. Now, knowing what she use to look like it’s a pretty big deal but as long as she’s comfortable with her look then I guess I can’t complain. All I’m saying is that I prefer the old, thick Trina and I’m sure a lot of her fans would agree as well.
Anyway, here’s the Diamond Princess gracing the latest issue of Smooth magazine. Go pick it up for more pics but if you’re lazy then look ’em up on the internet. I’m sure they’ve leaked by now so someone probably already has them.
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