I had to check my sources on this one, but did anybody know that Stacey Dash was only 42? Heaven knows she doesn't look it so maybe, just maybe, milk does do a body good.
Truth be told, I've been checking for Stacey since Clueless but who knew what she turn into back then? Yeah, so what if she was a lil' bit older than the rest of the cast. All those years of solidarity have paid off and not to mention, I never noticed how thick she was either. Did you?
For all I know though, photoshop could be playing tricks on me but it'd be hardpressed to deny that this is a real good look for KING Magazine. I've been a constant subscriber for quite some time now and the level of quality has fallen off a bit but this is just the thing to help get things back on track. The Toccarra issue last month was a disappointment so other than the cover, I hope this new issue is more than what meets the eye.
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