As misogynistic as this may sound, guy's pretty much go to Hooters for three things: wings, beer, and boobs. Now, it's not rocket science as to what we (as guys) are ultimately there for; but just in MY experiences, both visits have come up a little "flat". Pun intended.
None of the waitresses were anything special, or anything to rave about, and it kind of kills the "Hooter fantasy" that every guy has. You know the one, the one that every girl @ Hooters is packing a set of Double D's. Yeah, talk about shattered dreams.
Words can't even begin to describe how unsatisfied I was and how things became an ultimate buzz kill, because if it's ONE thing that you would expect from a place called Hooters, it's boobs. Right? Maybe it's just me that thinks so but, then again, I do live in Alabama. Silicone isn't as prevalent down here in the heart of Dixie, but down home southern girls are. We damn near pride ourselves on that fact, so as to why our Hooters girls don't stack up is beyond me.
I guess you have to call an ace an ace and a spade a spade so, for what it's worth, I'll just be content with the fact that we even have an Hooters in the first place. Sure, things could be a little bigger better but...on second thought, I think I'll stop while I'm ahead.
man imma have to agree with you 100% about hooters i was highly disappointed in what i saw not a one female caught my eye when i was there.
Really? I was gonna go there with my guy friend, but I'm not now. I thought Hooters chicks needed to be in the elite class of waitresses. Now that you've filled me in, I won't waste my time. We'll go see the new movie with Meagan Fox instead, lol.
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