While details have not been fully confirmed, his new single "Pants Hang Low" is all the indication you need that a new album is on the way. Unprecedented, I know. Especially when considering that Plies just released his 2nd album, Definition of Real, a few months back. In fact, he dropped on the same day as Lil' Wayne! How crazy is that?
Like I said, I'm not hatin' on the guy because clearly their seems to be a market for his music; but, me, I believe in such a thing as oversaturation. To have albums come out so close together kills anticipation and only makes it seem like the artist is trying to force themselves down the buyer's throat. Do I honestly feel that this is the case with Plies? Honestly, no. But that's not to say that I agree with him coming back out so quickly. If anything, he should milk a few more singles out of D.O.R., but that's just my opinion. Like it or not, Plies seems intent on pushing forward with this and one can only imagine how "real" he'll be this time around.
i'm a huge fan and thinks his last album was a classic but i would say that its way to soon for to be dropping another album but who am i to say what he should do.
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