I'm not usually euphoric when it comes to movies, but ever so often I'll come across something so awe inspiring that lasts long after leaving the theater. For whatever reason, it's hard to find these kind of films, but who would ever expect that a trigger happy, shoot 'em up flick like Wanted would fall into such high regards.
Lord knows I didn't and as I walked out of the theater, still reeling from what I had just seen on screen. All I could think about was how f’n awesome this movie was.

Let’s be honest. A movie like The Matrix was key in revolutionizing the Sci-Fi/action movie genre and, in doing so, it opened the doors for a movie like Wanted to [one day] be made. In the same vain, last year’s Shoot ’Em Up [also] followed this same formula but the comparison of the two films is not here nor now. Instead, the topic at hand is that of the comic book based Wanted; and as far as comic book film adaptations is concerned, Wanted is in a league of its own.
Starring James McAvoy as Wesley Gibson, Wanted weaves the tale of an elite group of assassins assembled to keep “order” and “peace”. The only question is, at what cost? Beleaguered, Wesley begins to question the moral aptitude at hand and from there, it becomes an issue of morality. All the while, the over-the-top action sequences fits everything together nicely and what you have, is one edge of your seat thriller from start to finish.
A quick note, however, Angelina Jolie proves once again why she can hold her own on screen and other than the scene where she drops her towel (that scene is priceless btw), her [overall] presence here is commanding. The same can be said for James McAvoy as well. A lot of people may not remember him as the kid from The Last King of Scotland; but just like that film opened people's eyes to Forest Whitaker, Wanted will [undoubtedly] be McAvoy's most memorable work. The way he pulled things together as Wesley was key for the movie to work, and Mcavoy came through like a seasoned vet. A job well done, I say.
In closing, Wanted may not win any awards or be recognized by any academies, but it’s shelf life will last longer than the theater. Meaning. This movie will [in deed] become a cult classic and, over time, be accepted as the new standard for over the top action. If not, hey, at least it was well worth it to hear Morgan Freeman (no less) deliver the line, “Shoot this motherfucker”. Now that’s what I call classic. Wouldn’t you agree?
Rating: 5 inkblots out of 5
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