March 11, 2008

Maria Kanellis ♥'s Playboy

Is it me or does WWE Diva and Playboy seem to go hand in hand? I'm not complaining but Maria doesn't even look that good. I could understand Layla, Milena, or somebody of that nature but it seems like all Playboy goes for are the anorexic ones. Anyway, here's the latest cover of Playboy featuring WWE Diva Maria Kanellis and for those that are intersted, the issue went on sale this week.


Anonymous said...

.... You and your "bombshell" women.... *sighs and smacks Trimaine in the head* That's for women who hate the fact that you worship impeccable, unrealistic, object-turning women who glorify themselves in becoming goddesses of all the things that contemporary women are trying to eliminate. :) But as your friend, I say this, "Trimaine, do you really think any normal woman you date is gonna look like that? Most girls don't look like that.... And when it seems as though you value these 'perfect' specimens, you're sending a message out to the potential girlfriends that they're not good enough...." :3 But that's my opinion. It's not like you're rating them or anything, but maybe you should consider the fact that half of your blogs contain scantily clad, unattainable images of "perfect" women. <3 Love ya! jessi~*

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