Far be it from me to question 50 Cent, but being one of the many that played his last video game, 50 Cent: Bulletproof,...I'm scratching my head, wondering why 50 is planning to release a sequel this fall. While the graphics were top notch, that was pretty much all the game had going for it. The gameplay was awful and the shooting mechanics were hard to control. All in all, the game was a headache and a waste of money if you opted to buy before renting. Unfortunately, I wasn't so lucky.
Fast forwarding, 50 Cent is prime to release the follow up this fall and it is entitled 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand. While I'm sure that fans of his will be anxious to play it, I'm boycotting this game well ahead of time. I refuse to fall for this again so until I hear otherwise, I'm leaving this one alone. On an interesting note, however, I came across something while reading up on this topic and that was that Young Buck is NOT in the game. The only "playable" characters [subject to change] are Lloyd Banks, Tony Yayo, DJ Whoo Kid, and 50 himself. If that doesn't add fuel to the speculation that Young Buck is trying to sever ties to G-Unit then I don't know what will. Anyway, read below for the plot summary of the game, if you're interested, but 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand will hit the PS3 and Xbox 360 this fall.
"50 Cent and G-unit are putting on a show somewhere in the middle east. The crowd is pleased, but the promoter refuses to pay 50 and G-unit. 50 is not going to leave without his money, so he hassles and threatens the promoter. The promoter does not give them money, but a very valuable diamond encrusted skull. 50 and G-unit are about to leave the country when they are ambushed and the skull is taken away from them. The game then continues with 50 trying to get what's rightfully his and find out who ambushed him and why."
-Plot courtesy of Wikipedia
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