Hate it or love it but Tyler Perry has become a staple for African-American filmmaking. While his movies are not well received by critics, his appeal to the urban community is unparallel. Still, people of all races generally love what this guy does and with the release of his latest film-to-play adaptation Meet The Browns, Tyler Perry hopes to not only continue along this string of success but strengthen his presence as a key figure in today’s movie making.
I’ll admit, I’m not the biggest fan of Tyler Perry but I did enjoy his last two films, Why Did I Get Married? and Daddy’s Little Girls. Both were well written, if I must say so myself, but Meet The Browns came off a little too formulaic for my tastes. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the film and I thought it was well made but there’s only so much that can be done with this kind of story.
Now, recycling is not a bad thing but give me a pen, a pad, and five moments…and I could write you a Tyler Perry play equally as good. All his projects revert back to the same principles and until I see him branch out and try something different, my only question would be why haven’t you done this sooner? It’s obvious that this guy is one hell of a writer and from that perspective I respect his prowess/ability but complacency could be his downfall. Far be it from me to criticize but that’s just my personal opinion.
As far as Meet The Browns, as a whole, is concerned, the movie will surely be a success. Tyler Perry’s films have proven to be very profitable at the box office so I’m sure fans of his will come out and support him. Regardless, I give this film my seal of approval but slightly. Aside from the subtle play on emotion that Tyler Perry tends to evoke in his work and his reluctance to switch up his style, this movie is pretty good. I’d say average at best but, still, I would be perfectly fine not meeting the Browns then if I had.
Rating: 2 ½ inkblots out of 5
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