Will Ferrell has become an enigma, of sorts, in that people seem to generally love what he does as an actor. His offbeat, yet freestyle, approach to comedy has won over a lot of people and following his unforgettable role as Ricky Bobby in Talladega Nights, expectations for his new film, Semi-Pro, are somewhat high.

Then again, like I said, you’re not missing much. Story wise, Ferrell isn’t given much to work with but what little plot that entails revolves around his character’s (Jackie Moon) attempt to take his Flint Tropics to the NBA. From there, it’s a race to finish in the top 4. Throw in a few small laughs here and there and what you have is a lackadaisical attempt at comedy called Semi-Pro. I hate to be blunt but this is a disappointment even by Will Ferrell’s standards.
In my opinion, the R-rating for this film killed it’s success from the jump. A PG-13 would’ve netted more than what it grossed in it’s opening weekend but that’s a moot point now. Regardless, fans of Ferrelle will still see this movie and be pleased yet some will feel the same way that I do. Not to take anything from Ferrell, he’s still great at this sort of thing but all I’m saying is that Semi-Pro will not be one of his defining moments. Rather, a late, uncontested shot in a game already decided.
Rating: 2 ½ inkblots out of 5
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