I don't know if it was a case of poor judgement on the part of Ludacris, but some sense of responsibility should've came into play while recording his "ode" to Democratic nominee, Barack Obama.
In the song, Luda lashes out at both Hillary and John McCain and declares an imminent victory for Obama but the backlash in doing so may cost him not only fans, but support from Obama as well.

Let's face it. Hip-Hop already gets a bad "rap" as it already is and this mishap will only further that unfair stereotype. News syndicates like Fox News will eat this up and [unfairly] blame everything that's wrong with America on Hip-Hop but, then again, what's new?
I'll admit, Luda was wrong in his choice of words/lyrics and should be lamented for his actions, but I fully understand his intentions and I really don't think he intended for this to be spun into a negative. Clearly he was displaying his support for Obama and instead of being praised like he had hoped, the media is painting him as an incoherent, misogynistic bigot and [rightfully so] some would say he deserves it. Me, myself? I could care less what a rapper thinks because I have my own opinion and would never allow someone to conform my thoughts, ideas, and opinions to that of their own. People are too sensitive these days in my opinion and until we learn to let go and not be so cynical about shit that really isn't all that important to begin with, I fear that this country of ours will never break the mold. Therefore, in a sense, I guess it's still "Politics As Usual". Who woulda thunk it?
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