In all fairness, laugh out loud comedy should be unapologetic to a certain extent; but with Ben Stiller, there seems to never be a line that can't be crossed. Stiller's particular brand of raw, in your face comedy has entertained fans for years and has not only spawned memorable pop culture references but, in a way, has defined our generation as well. Movies such as There's Something About Mary and Dodgeball represent both ends of the spectrum and although he's tried once before with the outlandish Zoolander, Tropic Thunder will [undoubtedly] go down as Stiller's finest work to date.
Why? Simple. Tropic Thunder excels in the fact that it doesn't take itself seriously and knowing that allows for a premise of this nature to pull no punches.

First things first, however, if you are easily offended--I highly recommend that you do NOT see this movie. Tropic Thunder openly crosses the line on many occasions and preys on the sensitivity of those who may be watching; but only to the extent of blatant truth. In no way is any of this intended to be taken seriously and as long as you keep that in mind, you'll laugh and enjoy yourself at the same time.
So, now that that's out of the way. Tropic Thunder, for lack of a better word, is a paradox of sorts in that it is a parody of a parody. Let's face it. War movies have become mundane and/or commonplace in this day and age of ours, but I truly feel that Tropic Thunder will represent a concerted effort back towards the importance of originality. So much recycled b.s. is thrown at us constantly and instead of disallowing such behavior to continue, we feed into it by shelling out $7 bucks or so each week; only to see the same mindless crap. Now, if that's your idea of quality, then so be it. Me, on the other hand, I expect more and luckily Tropic Thunder was just that.
So, what's it all about? Usually, I would go into extensive detail and point out the highs and lows of the plot; but I think it's better served to let you find out things for yourself. Besides, critics [in my opinion] spoil things ever so slightly with some of their reviews and I, myself, feel that I would be following down that same path if I, too, were to do so. Therefore, I'll put it to you like this. Tropic Thunder offends, yet succeeds on all levels as a laugh out loud comedy and is more than worth the price of admission. Point. Blank. Period.
Three(3) things to look out for: Booty Sweat energy drinks, Bust-a-nut bars, and "Never go full retard". LOL, you'll soon see what I mean.
Rating: 4 inkblots out of 5
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