I think it’s an overwhelming consensus that Cassidy is better suited for mixtapes and freestyle battles because his latest album is nothing more than a disappointment. Don’t get me wrong, I respect the talent Cassidy has as a lyricist but potential can only go so far. Although his last two albums weren’t well received, I found them to be somewhat entertaining so I expected a whole lot more from this one only to find myself skipping track after track. For some reason the album just didn’t appeal to me and I find it frustrating that an artist of Cassidy’s caliber can’t seem to make a decent album. So much so that it made me question how his producer, Swiss Beatz (of all people), could have a better album than him. Logically, it doesn’t make much sense because Cassidy is a better rapper, hands down, but in the words of Cassidy, “it is what it is”.
Conceptually, Cassidy seems to be stuck with this whole idea of “battling” his split personalities and, quite frankly, it’s starting to get old. It worked on his first album and barely made by on his second but by the time you’re on your third, eventually it’s time to grow and that’s what Cassidy fails to do. I’m not sure if he’s complacent, content, or a bunch of other words that I don’t even know but it feels like I’m listening to the same things he rapped about on his last two albums. Other than the fact that he beat a murder charge and survived a near-fatal car accident, what else does he have to say? My honest opinion is that he rushed this whole entire project and instead, should’ve took his time and been patient. The knock on Cassidy is that he’ll never be able to deliver a “classic” album and that right there should’ve been motivation enough. Unfortunaly, Cassidy fails miserably in his effort and while hardcore Cassidy fans will be remotely entertained, others will probably let B.A.R.S. fall on deaf ears. Truth be told, I know I did.
Rating: 5.5 headphones Out of 10
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