Look, I understand that you and I are not the same people we were when we first met and that the relationship we have now is one I never could've envisioned (especially when considering what all we've been through) but the past is just that…the past. I'm man enough to acknowledge the fact that I have my fair share of regrets as well as mistakes but in retrospect it's easy to fall back on the notion of "what if". I just feel like for every one step forward, subsequently it was like taking two steps back whenever things would start to go sour between us but what can I say…pride can be hard to swallow sometimes.
As a man, it's easy to get caught up in the formality of not showing emotion when it comes to certain things but love and hate seem to have an adverse effect on principles such as the aforementioned. Love(or the idea of being in love) makes us do stupid things and equally hate is a manifestation of itself so in a roundabout way, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I hate that I love you. I can only say it in so many words but mean it with all my heart.It would be easy to sit here and write this long, drawn-out explanation about where it all went wrong but the writing was on the wall a long time ago. You can only pretend for so long and for too long I've done nothing but sit idly by and try to make things work but for what? For me to sit here and continue to play the fool in this game of cat and mouse? As much as I would love for things to work out between us, the more I realize that you and I are just not meant to be together. For everything we have in common, the less in common we become and it's grown to the point that all we do is nothing but argue. Not so much in the sense of a heated exchange but more so simply for the sake of it so why hold on to something that neither of us are no longer happy to be a part of?The last thing I ever wanted was to have things end this way and to come so far just to throw away what we had hurts more than anything in the world. However, you and I both know that a relationship between us is beyond repair and that the hardest thing to mend is a broken heart. I gave you mine a long time ago and now the only thing left is to pick mine up off the floor. No more heartache. No more pain. The only thing left is the sweet sound of the purple rain.
[Author Interpretation]
It's crazy how you can take a concept such as "Purple Rain" and run with it but somehow I did just that. I'm not really a fan of Prince but, as you can tell, his influence inspired this blog so to discourage people from misinterpreting this beautiful piece of literature, I think it's only fair to enlighten those who may be scratching their heads, trying to figure out what the hell I'm talking about.
On the surface, it appears as though I'm talking from the perspective of an impending break-up but things aren't always what they appear to be. It's never said what kind of relationship is being pushed to the side so, easily, I could be talking about a friendship as well. It all depends on the reader's interpretation because the way I wrote it, I intended it to be something everybody could relate to. We've all had bad relationships and we've all had friends that weren't any good so there comes a point that instead of holding on...you gotta let go, even though it may cause someone to get hurt.
Emotionally, my intention was to connect with those who read this because anytime you can play on human emotion, the more personal it becomes. When people can relate to what you're saying or trying to get across, the deeper the message becomes uprooted. That being said, I feel that to say more would defeat the whole purpose of this literary achiement but keep in mind that the interpretation I've given so far is only scratching the surface ...it's up to you to interpret the rest.
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