I know what you’re thinking. How can somebody criticize an actress that has crossed barriers that were once unimaginable (being the first African-American woman to win an Academy Award) and achieved so much in their career? Well, my whole thing is that regardless of who you are and what you represent, everybody is entitled to their fair share of criticism both positive and negative. As far as what Halle represents? I understand that it is very much a big deal for what she’s accomplished in being the first African-American woman to win an Academy award for best actress but my response to all that is, “but under what circumstances?” It took an explicit sex scene with Billy Bob Thornton for people to recognize talent? What kind of shit is that? The same could be said for Denzel Washington. It shouldn’t of taken his role as a crooked cop to award Denzel for something that he’s worked hard for over the years and there’s no doubt in my mind that he deserves it but society is just backwards sometimes.
Getting back on track…I realize that as an actress it’s hard to find work with everything being so competitive in this particular industry but doesn’t ONE person, at least, have common sense? Catwoman was horrendously bad, Gothika was laughable, and Perfect Stranger is not even worth mentioning. Words can’t describe how pissed off I am about this and although it might not be a big deal to some people…dammit it means something to me. All in all, I wish we could just incinerate every single copy of these films before they continue to pollute our local retail outlets/video stores but that’s just wishful thinking on my part. Even better, it would be great if I could just erase the thought of knowing that I sat through all of these and that I paid to do so. Either option would be just fine by me but then people would be scratching their head, asking themselves, “What was Monster’s Ball about again?” Oh wait…other than the fact that Halle Berry was naked in it…who really sat through the movie for the plot? On that note…I rest my case. Class dismissed.
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