…and thank God for that. I’m not a big fan of reality TV [aside from Big Brother on CBS] but that doesn’t mean that I’m not familiar with Tocarra Jones. Ever since she appeared on America’s Next Top Model I’ve been a fan so heaven forbid she loses weight because she looks good the way she is. I think it’s great that Tocarra represents the alternative towards an industry that tends to promote a superficial image so I was disappointed to see her eliminated from the show. Needless to say, I stopped watching thereafter but it’s good to see that in spite of a minor setback, Tocarra has made a name for herself.

I’m sure a lot of you are familiar but Tocarra is currently one of the hosts of the late night BET show Take The Cake and even though the show has become somewhat of a success, I’m sure Tocarra has played a big part in that. Most people I talk to only watch because of her; besides…the show is whack, it’s no wonder why they have to give away money also. Still, I’m hoping a second season will air but if not then it was fun while it lasted. Seeing Tocarra in outfits like this will be well worth it but a guy can dream, can’t he?

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