You know that saying,
"once a cheater, always a cheater"? Well, allegedly, Kobe Bryant is at it again and this time, it involves a Laker girl. Ironically, her name is Vanessa also so, if this rumor is true, then I'm not sure what Kobe was thinking. You would think he would've learned his lesson last time and for something like this to be brought to the forefront, after repairing his image and everything, it's really not a good look for the "so-called" MVP. His team is three wins away from the NBA Finals (which I doubt they'll get--the Spurs ran out of gas the other night. They'll rebound and win this series in 7) so a distraction of this magnitude require quite a bit of damage control. But, like I said, all this is "allegedly" so Kobe fans shouldn't have much to worry about. Then again, I came across a tad bit of info that I found interesting and that entails that on the website that features the Laker girls, this Vanessa girl has been removed. Hmmm? Kind of makes you wonder, huh?
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