Can you believe that Syesha Mercado, of all people, was eliminated from American Idol this week? Yeah, I know what you're's a damn shame. I mean, this girl is everything you could ask for in an American Idol so, as far as I'm concerned, you "people"(...I say people because they're the one's who supposedly "vote") don't know a damn thing about talent. This girl is WAY better than either of the David's so until justice is served, I'm calling for a boycott of the American Idol finale.

Now, seeing that I haven't watched any of this season already, I'm making well due on my stance so I feel that everybody else should follow suit. We can't sit back and allow Paula, Randy, Simon, and America to tell us who we should idolize because for all we know...that could've been Syesha. Unfortunately, we may never know that now but still I digress.
My whole thing is, I'm all for when they get it right but, in this case, American Idol is really starting to piss me off. I'm not much of a fan of the alternative sound so the David's aren't my thing. Besides, one has daddy issues so the chances of him enjoying the fruits of his labor will probably turn to grapes of wrath. However, that's none of my business so to each his own. Last season was ok, I guess. I'm not much of a fan of Jordin Sparks but dammit she looks good so that was enough for me. Now, if all we could do is get her to breath because her new song has got her at a lost for words. The sad thing is...she's not the only one because that song sucks. Come on, "how am I suppose to breathe with no air"? You don' die! Plain and simple LOL.
So, I've said all this to say what? Well, there's plenty of ways I could put this but...screw American Idol. I {♥} Syesha Mercado and you know what? She may not be America's but she's MY American Idol.
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