The Indiana Jones franchise has always been just another movie to me so, unlike these ravenous fan boys who clamored in anticipation, I went into Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull with the mindset of a casual moviegoer. While, maybe, slightly naïve on my part (mainly because I had never seen any of the previous films, which disallowed for a real appreciation of what I was about to see), I figured this would be just another movie also; but, it’s funny how a preconceived notion can change in a matter of minutes.
Not only is this new Indiana Jones flick pretty good but it puts itself right up there in contention with Iron Man as the top summer blockbuster.

Now, before I even get ahead of myself, allow me to pull back a little and give credit where credit is due. Steven Spielberg and George Lucas are one hell of a team and if this Indy flick is any proof, it’ll be sure to rake in millions at the box office; but, more importantly, the success of this film will be far-reaching than any sum of profit. How so? Well, quite frankly, the resurrection of Indiana Jones to a newer generation will open up endless possibilities with the character while newer audiences, undoubtedly, will become fans. That reason alone makes perfect sense for a return to a familiar franchise and while there’s a huge risk involved in reviving such a respected piece of work, the payoff is well worth it when it succeeds. No need to worry though, Indy 4 does just that.
Understandably, a lot of people will be reserved when it comes to Indy 4 because too many sequels can destroy a franchise. Likewise, I think this notion has been well documented but going in, I had no expectations whatsoever for this film and I think that’s what you have to go in with in order to really enjoy it. All it is is a summer popcorn movie with tons of action/adventure so, for what it’s worth, put all the nitpicks, criticisms, and reservations aside that you may have and get lost in something that’s really amazing. The special effects are some of the best eye candy you’ll ever see and is what really sells this movie to the audience. Yeah, some of the effects/plot details are a little over the top but not to the extent that it feels like it outweighs the texture of the movie. Therefore, it’s more like an experience while watching it in the theater and you know what? Last I checked, that’s what going to the movies was supposed to be about.
So, I’ve said all this to say what? I think it’s pretty obvious that I’m giving this movie a thumbs up but me telling you about it doesn’t do it justice. It’s just something you have to see for yourself and as far as the criticisms concerning all the supernatural content, it’s really undeserved in my opinion. That being said, Indy 4 is a fun ride from start to finish and is definitely worth the price of admission.
Understandably, a lot of people will be reserved when it comes to Indy 4 because too many sequels can destroy a franchise. Likewise, I think this notion has been well documented but going in, I had no expectations whatsoever for this film and I think that’s what you have to go in with in order to really enjoy it. All it is is a summer popcorn movie with tons of action/adventure so, for what it’s worth, put all the nitpicks, criticisms, and reservations aside that you may have and get lost in something that’s really amazing. The special effects are some of the best eye candy you’ll ever see and is what really sells this movie to the audience. Yeah, some of the effects/plot details are a little over the top but not to the extent that it feels like it outweighs the texture of the movie. Therefore, it’s more like an experience while watching it in the theater and you know what? Last I checked, that’s what going to the movies was supposed to be about.
So, I’ve said all this to say what? I think it’s pretty obvious that I’m giving this movie a thumbs up but me telling you about it doesn’t do it justice. It’s just something you have to see for yourself and as far as the criticisms concerning all the supernatural content, it’s really undeserved in my opinion. That being said, Indy 4 is a fun ride from start to finish and is definitely worth the price of admission.
Rating: 4 inkblots out of 5
yay! i'm thinking of going to see this tonight! :3 glad you liked it. ^w^
I loved it. I thought it was an 8. I'd never seen any of the movies or read the books either, so I thought it was going to be kiddish. Wow, was I wrong! Somehow a little cheesiness works on the guy, who knew? Lol.
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