I don't usually have a problem with excessive violence in movies but, after watching Rambo, I think my position has changed dramatically. For anybody who hasn't seen the new Rambo film, I'll refrain from spoiling anything but, just know going in that approximately 262* people are killed and an average of 3.2* are done so per minute. It might not sound like much but, when you take into consideration that this movie is only 93 minutes long, the numbers add up unlike you would ever believe.
Don't get me wrong, not only could this movie be classified as tasteless and deplorable but, it comes off more as "gore-ified porn" if anything. I mean, I understand if violence is necessary to illustrate a story but, some of the things that were allowed to be shown on screen is kind of questionable if you ask me.

War, for the most part, isn't pretty and I accept that for what it is but, we need to have a better filter when it comes to content. Excessive violence in movies already gets blamed for a lot in our country and it's unfortunate that we get labeled as ravenous, bloodthirsty Americans but, to say it's unjust would be wrong of on my part. Why? Well, it's movies like Rambo that push freedom of speech a little too far and for us to walk that fine line between satirical and conscience is borderline contradictory.
Besides, for all I know, maybe I'm making a big deal out of nothing but art can only be so subjective, you know? Movies, like art, can have differences of opinion and what's offensive to some, may not be remotely close to that to others. It just depends on the person and, while I wouldn't go as far to say that Rambo offended me, I would say that it made me slightly uncomfortable. No decent human being would be alright with watching something like this but that's war for you. Lives are lost in sacrifice of a greater good but, if both sides think their right, what do we really accomplish in the end? Nothing...but, to let Rambo tell it, you either live for something or die for nothing. That being said, live or die. Make your choice.
*stats courtesy of Accurate Rambo Kill Chart website
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