and I'm not a tad bit surprised. Although it was only done so in response to Weezy's "Fuck all mixtape DJ's" rant late last week, the heavy response has been a public relations nightmare and the backlash of it all is that it could hurt Weezy's 1st week numbers.

Let's face it. Tha Carter III has been one of the most anticipated albums for almost two years now, and with the retail release less than five days away, people are opting for the free download instead. Does it make sense? Yeah, I mean, why buy something when you can get the same thing for free at the click of the mouse but it doesn't make it right. Sure, I realize I contradict myself seeing that I, too, have downloaded whole albums to save money but it's different when an album like Tha Carter III gets leaked. Most times when albums get leaked, it's an inside job and nothing can be done about it but this wasn't the case for Wayne. Tha Carter III was intentionally leaked by an upset DJ who took offense to Weezy's comments and for what it's worth, I can understand his frustrations. The mixtape game made Weezy who he is today and undoubtedly took his career to the next level but two wrongs don't make a right, in my opinion. Both sides will suffer from this and as early reviews filter in, it seems like Wayne will take the biggest blow.
Just for the record, although the album can be found for free online, I have opted not to download in pure support of Weezy; and neither have I previewed any of the tracks off it, as well. Save for "Lollipop, "Got Money", and "A Milli", I would much rather wait and experience the actual, retail version because to wait two years and get spoiled now would not be justified in my book. But, that's just me. I intend, wholeheartedly, to purchase Tha Carter III this Tuesday and hopefully all this built up hype will be worth it. Do I expect this album to be a classic? Yes and no but more than anything, I expect this album to be a step in the right direction. Besides, Weezy was the one that proclaimed himself "The Best Rapper Alive" years ago and until he delivers an album that validates that claim, his critics will never be satisfied. Therefore, in another comparison to Jay-Z, I guess you can say it's a gift and a curse.
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