June 26, 2008

A T-Pain/Lil' Wayne Album Is A Good Thing, Right?

If the BET awards was any indication, then I'm a little reserved when it it comes to this newly formed super group of Lil' Wayne and T-Pain. As much as I like both individually, I kind of think that the auto-tune effect they've both fallen in love with will wear out its welcome over an entire album. Then again, it could be kind of hot; but let's face it, these best of both world type collaborations have been hit-or-miss in the past and this sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Don't get me wrong, in no way am I discrediting the "bankability" of both artists because [financially] an album from the two will have an audience; but, in all likelihood, it would pale in comparison to what the two have done individually. I'll admit, the two have great chemistry together as exhibited on Wayne's current single "Got Money"; but as is common with things of this nature, the marketplace for both Wayne and T-Pain will dry up here shortly. As consistent as the two have been, an over saturation will manifest eventually and people will get sick of hearing the two; so, from that standpoint, a collaborative effort will then seem like overkill.

Regardless, interest on my part remains [relatively] high (in spite of my reservations) to see if they can pull it off, but I doubt this will even see the light of day. There's too many legalities and red tape blocking this thing, in my opinion, and I doubt Universal Records and Jive Records will come to terms to make this thing happen. At most, we'll probably get a lot of leaked material featuring the two and you know what? That would [actually] be sufficient enough.


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