N*E*R*D has a mind unlike any other and their music is a clear reflection of that. Unparallel to the mainstream, their music goes against the grain and, in some ways, can be compared to that of Gnarls Barkley.
However, the comparisons stop there. It's no secret that Pharrell has been known to think "outside the box" and with his band's latest offering, Seeing Sounds, it's quite clear that N*E*R*D are light years ahead of the rest.
Let's be clear. N*E*R*D is not suited for commercial audiences and the sad thing is, a lot of people will miss out on a really good album. It's rare these days that an album is actually worth the retail price but, Seeing Sounds makes for a worthy exception. Featuring the rock heavy/cocaine referenced "Everyone Nose", Seeing Sounds is suitably crafted towards the die hard fan and features every aspect of N*E*R*D that makes them great. Off the wall songs like the rambunctious "Spaz" and the ultrasonic "Anti-Matter" are what makes this album a "must have"; but, songs like the smooth and somber "Sooner or Later" provides proof that this album caters to the all around fan.

Let's be clear. N*E*R*D is not suited for commercial audiences and the sad thing is, a lot of people will miss out on a really good album. It's rare these days that an album is actually worth the retail price but, Seeing Sounds makes for a worthy exception. Featuring the rock heavy/cocaine referenced "Everyone Nose", Seeing Sounds is suitably crafted towards the die hard fan and features every aspect of N*E*R*D that makes them great. Off the wall songs like the rambunctious "Spaz" and the ultrasonic "Anti-Matter" are what makes this album a "must have"; but, songs like the smooth and somber "Sooner or Later" provides proof that this album caters to the all around fan.
Heavily influenced, Seeing Sounds features a variety of styles -from Hip-Hop to punk rock- and the way N*E*R*D are able to mesh everything together is amazing. No other album this year is as fluid throughout and from start to finish [I must say] I was thoroughly impressed. I never really gave any of their other albums much thought to be honest, but this "acid trip" of an album seemed to hit all the right notes.
Overall, Seeing Sounds will be highly praised by critics and fans but ultimately fall on deaf ears to the general public. Mainstream just doesn't accept music of this nature and praise it for it's artistry and that is something I've never quite could understand. Is it wrong? In my opinion, I believe so...but, an opinion can only hold so much value. Therefore, while Seeing Sounds may be a pure gem to some, it may be a headache for others.
Rating: 7.0 headphones out of 10
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