December 19, 2007
"Not Even Jay-Z Did That..."
December 17, 2007
I Am Legend

I’m not sure what the obsession is with movies with a post apocalyptic theme, but people are drawn to such films and I’ve never understood why. Maybe it’s the fact that, in the event of something happening, we would know how to respond because we saw it in a movie but all that goes out the window when faced with an impending conclusion to all that we know. Whatever the reason is, I’m not sure, nor does it matter, but the latest film from Will Smith, I Am Legend, examines things from a familiar vantage point and, I must say, I was remotely impressed. No, the film didn’t blow me away like some of his other films that I have enjoyed over recent years but while I was watching it, I felt like Will had nothing left to prove. His talent as an actor is remarkable and it’s a shame that the Academy Awards hasn’t honored him with an Oscar but his time will come and hopefully soon. I was damn sure he would win for The Pursuit of Happyness but I can’t hate on Forrest Whittaker because, he too, deserved recognition for the years of hard work that he’s put in also.
All that aside, I Am Legend is an enigma of sorts in that it stands alone when compared to Smith’s previous work. 90% of the movie is a man and his dog trying to survive and the hardest thing for an actor is to “act” alone. Now, I’m no expert when it comes to things of that nature but can you imagine how hard it must be for one actor to have to carry the majority of a movie? It takes a talented actor that can show range in their performance and performance wise, Smith pulls Legend off with flying colors.
All that glitters is not gold, however, as I also found Legend kind of dull at some parts. I congratulate Smith on having a killer weekend at the box office (the movie grossed $76.5 million--Will’s highest opening gross ever) but all it takes is a little bad word of mouth and a sharp decline will kill Legend’s hopes of being a success. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that this is a bad film because I understood the message that was trying to get across. I enjoyed it for what it was and I recommend it to those who just want to see a “popcorn” movie but Smith has better days to come and when all is said and done, his legend and legacy will be remembered for everything except this.
Without question, Smith deserves all the credit and accolades that he has received over the years and I’m happy for his success but Will delivers no matter what. He will undoubtedly go down as “Mr. Blockbuster” and with things looking bright from the profit that came in over the weekend, Will’s laughing straight to the bank and only making his legend stronger.
"That Was So Disrespectful..."
December 14, 2007
Bow Wow & Omarion: Face Off

This whole “Best of Both World’s” thing is starting to get ridiculous if you ask me. I mean, really…really, who in they’re right mind thought that a Bow Wow & Omarion album was a good idea? If it didn’t work for R. Kelly & Jay-Z then why would it work for the lesser talent of Bow & Omarion? I’m not saying that I don’t respect the two for what they do because each are talented in their own right but everything that looks good on paper doesn’t mean that it’s going to work. Actually, to be honest, it just doesn’t work because this album is nothing but a waste of time. I don’t know if it’s because I’m not a part of the “106 & Park” audience that this album is mostly catered to or what but this album is pointless if you ask me.
All in all, there are a few bright spots in all this that I thought was a milestone but those are few and far between. I thought it was nice to hear the transition of Bow Wow to more mature themes (he actually swears on this album--no censors) but is it just me, or is Bow sounding eerily similar to Lil’ Wayne? You can clearly tell that Bow is modeling his style after Wayne but Bow’s swagger allows him to pull it off slightly. It’s still not quite believable but I’d listen to Bow over most of these rappers out now so I guess I’ll have to give credit where credit is due. The only complaint is that if you’re going to be like Wayne then…step YOUR rap game up! Lines like, “maybe we can kick it like a soccer player” are laughable and, besides…it’s been said before so next time around…be a little more original.
As for Omarion, not much can be said about his contributions because he mostly just played the background. I felt that he never really got the time to shine on his own collaborative album, which is kind of strange, but that just goes to show how uneven this album really is. Other than the great production and save for a couple of stand out tracks, the album is a disappointment and makes me glad that I didn’t waste money on this forgettable piece of work.
December 12, 2007
The Dream: Love/Hate

Getting things started is the catchy, lead single “Shawty Is The Sh**” featuring Fabolous but the album has quite a few noticeable cuts. Personally, I found the follow up single “Falsetto” to be a stand out among them all but joints like “Fast Car”, “I Luv Your Girl”, and “Nikki” are equally good as well. I guess the thing I like most about Dream is that he doesn’t follow the typical pattern of what a song is supposed to be. As an R&B artist, love songs are a prevalent theme but Dream’s approach to that is unlike any other artist of his time. Therefore, I respect the fact that he’s different and his uniqueness breathes life into an, otherwise, stale state of music.
Without question, music is holding on for dear life at the moment but with artist’s like Dream I think things will be ok. I’m not sure if it’s a lack of creativity or what but on one side you have people like Dream and on the other you have those like Soulja Boy. Music is definitely in need of something fresh and with “Love/Hate”, The Dream helps bridge that gap...just a little.
December 8, 2007
*Gð§§ïþ [Gossip]

Maybe it’s just me but I don’t fuck with too many people, plain and simple. I have a small circle of people I consider “close” friends so everybody else outside that is more like an acquaintance, if you will. Now, as far as I’m concerned, I could care less about people who fall into that group but the thing that kills me is that some people actually take offense when you see each other and don’t speak. Call it whatever you wanna call it but it is what it is. I have no reason to justify my actions but if you want me to be blunt about it then so be it. Maybe…I don’t like you. For what reason? Go figure, but all that shit is elementary to begin with so, like I said, keep it moving. I think Jay-Z said it best, “males shouldn’t be jealous, that’s a female’s trait”…I’m not saying that I have anything, of note, for someone to be jealous of but I’m sure you get what I’m trying to say in a roundabout way.
Basically, I’m tired of people throwing dirt on my name over something that happened earlier this year. All of that is in the past and all parties involved are on to bigger and better, at least I hope. Am I wrong for wanting things to have never happened the way they did? Of course not and I regret a lot of bad decisions I made on my part but what’s done is done so what other choice do I have then to live with it? I was fully aware of the situation so for somebody to put their little two cents into all of this…I feel like none of that is needed nor wanted. Therefore, I suggest for future reference to keep any and all opinions to yourself because none of that shit matters to me, ya dig? On that note, I apologize to those who take offense but, again, like Jay-Z said, “...What you eat, don’t make me shit”
December 7, 2007
Smooth & Deelishis

It’s no secret why people love her either and when it’s all said and done she’ll be forgotten for the next pretty face but until that time comes, I’m guessing she’s focused on leaving us wanting more. She’s damn near graced every men’s magazine possible and her latest photo shoot was for Smooth magazine. Overall, the pics came out kind of hot but once you’ve seen one Deelishis picture, you’ve pretty much seen ’em all. Anyway, click on the link if you want to see the rest but in related news, word on the street is that Ms. New York may be pregnant. Not necessarily from one of the guy’s from her show but it’s just a rumor so take it or leave it. When/if I find out more, I’ll blog about it but until then I’m out.
For more of the Smooth magazine spread featuring Deelishis, click here.
Beanie Sigel: The Solution

I pretty much think I’m one of the select few that actually enjoyed his first single off the new album that features R. Kelly but after hearing other joints like “Go Low”, “Gutted” and “What They Gon’ Say To Me”, I figured the album had the potential to be great if not classic. Needless to say, the album is far away from great and the biggest complaint I have, personally, is that Beanie Sigel seems to have forced everything. Lyrically, Beans is a monster when it comes to this “rap shit” as he would put it but he failed to deliver this time around and it’s nothing more than a huge disappointment.
Maybe I’m reading too much into things but it is what it is, you know? I expected The Solution to re-establish Beanie Sigel among the elite MC’s in the game but the way things are looking…I expect that when it’s all said and done, Beanie Sigel will be lumped into the same mold as Jadakiss. You know, rappers who are extremely talented but suffer from bad creative control and poor album sales. I never expect to hear any of the two to have a number one hit anymore and I doubt it will happen anytime soon but I could be wrong. Shout out to Jada for being down with the Roc though. Again, I doubt his stock will rise now that he’s with a winning team but maybe this is exactly what he needed to jumpstart his promising career.
Getting back to The Solution, however, I enjoyed the production mostly and here and there Beans came through with that “her-oin flow” of his. Overall, the album is solid though but caters to hardcore fans mainly. I respect him for taking things in a new direction and all with some of his song selections but most of the time I found myself scratching my head. I’ve never been good at math and I’m not sure if Beans is or not but my suggestion is that next go ‘round, he should check his work because he comes to a solution that leaves a lot of things unanswered.
Ghostface Killah: The Big Doe Rehab

With little to no promotion behind it, I had heard from various websites of how good it was and to my surprise…I wasn’t disappointed. I mean, the album was really that good. It’s rare that an album these days has fluidity throughout and while Ghostface still managed to confuse the hell out of me, I found the album to be enjoyable from start to finish. The sad part about it though is that most people will never know that because the album will probably only be well-received by loyal fans of Ghost. All that aside though, the production was nice and it was good to hear members of the Wu-Tang vibing together once again…setting up perfectly for their new album 8 Diagrams dropping this Tuesday. And they say Hip-Hop is dead…
December 6, 2007
*ÐïåmðñЧ & Gïrl§ [Diamonds & Girls]

I wrote this earlier this year but held on to it for some reason. I had contemplated whether or not I wanted to post it but came to the decision to do so after seeing something that struck me as odd, a little while ago, while leaving Wal-Mart. It's funny how relationships work and how people continue to go back to bad ones but we all have this sense of wanting to belong and without it we feel lost. It's sad that people can't be content and would rather settle for false love but that's life. I hope my words are an inspiration for those who have been where I've been so keep your head up and let patience be your guide. Love conquer's least I'm told...but that could be an overstatement so take it or leave it.
November 27, 2007
R.I.P. Sean Taylor [Apr. 1st, 1983-Nov. 27th, 2008]
This Christmas

Don’t get me wrong though, I enjoyed the film for what it was but I just thought that it had the potential to be a whole lot better. The cast was mostly perfect and I applaud them for their performances but only so much can be done with a script that was predictable . I expect most of the revenue to be brought in by the loyal fans of Chris Brown but his role is minor just like his appearance in Stomp The Yard. Although he gets more screen time, the downside is that if he wants to be taken seriously as an actor then he needs to find a role that lets him do more than sing and dance.
All in all, This Christmas is solid in its effort but if you’ve seen one Christmas movie then you’ve seen ‘em all. This Christmas is no exception and trust me, there’s nothing special about it so instead of wasting your $6.50 or so, wait for the DVD. You’ll be thankful you did.
November 19, 2007
The Omen

All that aside, I’m interested to see how things will turn out but my gut feeling is telling me that LSU will hold on and be there but their opponent can be a number of teams. While Kansas has been good all year long and definitely deserving of their #2 ranking, I see them losing to Oklahoma so that helps out West Virginia and Missouri. Still, Ohio State could have a say in all this also if things align but I doubt it. The loss to Illinois was a serious blow to their national title hopes but it was nice to see them rebound with a win over their heated rival Michigan. Both teams played hard and it’s a shame someone had to lose but Ohio State played like they wanted it more and Michigan is just not that good of a team.
But like I was saying, this year in college football has been a roller coaster ride for the ages and I only expect that to continue in these last couple of weeks. We’ve had upsets, surprises, and great plays made but the real validity of the season comes with the BCS championship game…and with it looking like their will be no undefeated teams participating, I expect a great finish to an already great year.
November 18, 2007
That's So Raven

November 15, 2007
Raunchy Rebellious

With thanksgiving less than a week away, there’s plenty of things I’m thankful for but none more than for Jay-Z finding Rihanna. Although she can’t really sing or do much else, I’d have to say that her status as “eye candy” is well established. I mean, look at her in these scans from the latest issue of You magazine. I can think of a bunch of adjectives to describe these pictures but none would be even remotely decent for a website of this nature.
All jokes aside, Rihanna looks hot and the pictorial came out tasteful if anything else but there’s just something about Rihanna that I can’t quite put my finger on.

Lil' Wayne XXL Magazine Cover

Celtic Pride

Let’s not forget though, Detroit is still a good team and I’m sure they’ll be around come playoff time along with Cleveland, Chicago, Orlando, New Jersey, and Washington but it’s just too early to tell. 7-0 is still a good start though and I commend “the big 3” for their stellar play as of late but can they sustain it for 82 games is the big question. I’m sure they can but all this talk of them winning 70+ games is a bit unrealistic. The competition in the NBA is so evenly distributed throughout the league that it would be hard pressed for any team to do such a thing so all those notions can be thrown out the window.
Basically, Boston is loaded and primed to make a playoff run come that time of the year and, realistically, have a clear shot of winning it all. Will they or won’t they remains to be seen but that’s why they play the games. Everything will unfold on the court so whatever way the ball bounces, a new champion will be crowned either way.
November 10, 2007
Alicia Keys: As I Am

If Hip-Hop is dead, R&B is alive and well. Conspicuous by her absence, Alicia Keys returns with her third studio album, As I Am, and the time away really helped her deliver a smooth, mellowed out record that fans will be sure to enjoy. Unlike most albums that lack a real presence, As I Am carries an ambiance throughout that reminds you just why we fell in love with Alicia in the first place. Her voice is amazing here and the passion in which she sings with makes every record become personal. Even better, I found the album to be one of those that you just put on and press play throughout because every track is good in its own way. Whether it’s the remorseful “Lesson Learned” featuring John Mayer or the empowering “Superwoman”, Alicia shines bright in all her glory and exceeds expectations with an album equally as good as her previous two.
As an artist, Alicia undoubtedly gives her all when it comes to her work and it reflects in her music. The songwriting and subject matter on this album commentates a more mature tone than her last album and that compliments her skills as a great songwriter. Production wise, the album has a assorted range of instrumentation and instead of forcing things, Alicia is able to fit herself nicely to every track.
As far as I’m concerned, Alicia is the best at what she does and proof at that can be heard on “Like You’ll Never See Me Again”. By far, this is my favorite song on the album along with a few others but just the way this record sounds is incredible. It’s simple but just the way Alicia delivers on it makes it all the more special. The same could be said for the entire album, overall. There’s no doubt Alicia Keys is becoming one of the greatest singers of our generation and with As I Am…I expect her to only gain more people to believe that as well.
November 9, 2007
*þµrþlê Råïñ [Purple Rain]

Look, I understand that you and I are not the same people we were when we first met and that the relationship we have now is one I never could've envisioned (especially when considering what all we've been through) but the past is just that…the past. I'm man enough to acknowledge the fact that I have my fair share of regrets as well as mistakes but in retrospect it's easy to fall back on the notion of "what if". I just feel like for every one step forward, subsequently it was like taking two steps back whenever things would start to go sour between us but what can I say…pride can be hard to swallow sometimes.
As a man, it's easy to get caught up in the formality of not showing emotion when it comes to certain things but love and hate seem to have an adverse effect on principles such as the aforementioned. Love(or the idea of being in love) makes us do stupid things and equally hate is a manifestation of itself so in a roundabout way, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I hate that I love you. I can only say it in so many words but mean it with all my heart.It would be easy to sit here and write this long, drawn-out explanation about where it all went wrong but the writing was on the wall a long time ago. You can only pretend for so long and for too long I've done nothing but sit idly by and try to make things work but for what? For me to sit here and continue to play the fool in this game of cat and mouse? As much as I would love for things to work out between us, the more I realize that you and I are just not meant to be together. For everything we have in common, the less in common we become and it's grown to the point that all we do is nothing but argue. Not so much in the sense of a heated exchange but more so simply for the sake of it so why hold on to something that neither of us are no longer happy to be a part of?The last thing I ever wanted was to have things end this way and to come so far just to throw away what we had hurts more than anything in the world. However, you and I both know that a relationship between us is beyond repair and that the hardest thing to mend is a broken heart. I gave you mine a long time ago and now the only thing left is to pick mine up off the floor. No more heartache. No more pain. The only thing left is the sweet sound of the purple rain.
[Author Interpretation]
It's crazy how you can take a concept such as "Purple Rain" and run with it but somehow I did just that. I'm not really a fan of Prince but, as you can tell, his influence inspired this blog so to discourage people from misinterpreting this beautiful piece of literature, I think it's only fair to enlighten those who may be scratching their heads, trying to figure out what the hell I'm talking about.
On the surface, it appears as though I'm talking from the perspective of an impending break-up but things aren't always what they appear to be. It's never said what kind of relationship is being pushed to the side so, easily, I could be talking about a friendship as well. It all depends on the reader's interpretation because the way I wrote it, I intended it to be something everybody could relate to. We've all had bad relationships and we've all had friends that weren't any good so there comes a point that instead of holding gotta let go, even though it may cause someone to get hurt.
Emotionally, my intention was to connect with those who read this because anytime you can play on human emotion, the more personal it becomes. When people can relate to what you're saying or trying to get across, the deeper the message becomes uprooted. That being said, I feel that to say more would defeat the whole purpose of this literary achiement but keep in mind that the interpretation I've given so far is only scratching the surface's up to you to interpret the rest.
This Isn't Your Mother's Girl Scouts...

…and thank God for that. I’m not a big fan of reality TV [aside from Big Brother on CBS] but that doesn’t mean that I’m not familiar with Tocarra Jones. Ever since she appeared on America’s Next Top Model I’ve been a fan so heaven forbid she loses weight because she looks good the way she is. I think it’s great that Tocarra represents the alternative towards an industry that tends to promote a superficial image so I was disappointed to see her eliminated from the show. Needless to say, I stopped watching thereafter but it’s good to see that in spite of a minor setback, Tocarra has made a name for herself.

I’m sure a lot of you are familiar but Tocarra is currently one of the hosts of the late night BET show Take The Cake and even though the show has become somewhat of a success, I’m sure Tocarra has played a big part in that. Most people I talk to only watch because of her; besides…the show is whack, it’s no wonder why they have to give away money also. Still, I’m hoping a second season will air but if not then it was fun while it lasted. Seeing Tocarra in outfits like this will be well worth it but a guy can dream, can’t he?

November 8, 2007
Jay-Z: American Gangster

As a whole, the album is clearly not to be intended as commercial and that’s where I think a lot of people are downplaying the greatness of it. Last year’s Kingdom Come was sub par at best so just the fact that American Gangster re-establishes Jay-Z as the Jay-Z we know and love is a win all by itself. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that Jay ever fell off but lyrically, Jay came with it this time. You could tell that his heart was into it as well as his mind, so the payoff is what some have deemed a “classic”. Do I agree? Yes, I do but not wholeheartedly . I disliked the Lil’ Wayne assisted “Hello Brooklyn 2.0” and thought it could’ve been better but, at the same time, thought it was good for Hip-Hop to hear Jay and Wayne on the same track. Other that that one minuscule detail, the album is a success in my book and will undoubtedly be among the many candidates for album of the year. And the winner is, Hov!
November 7, 2007
Touched by an Angel

It’s easy to sit back and argue about how subjugated today’s youth is to both audio and visual seduction but who’s really at fault should be the main question. Right? I mean, regardless of how much you try to overprotect your child thinking it’s for their best interest, the more their likely to rebel and want to do the exact opposite of what you said not to. Is it bad parenting? No, I wouldn’t go as far to say that but my whole thing is that instead of finding something like music, movies, etc. to blame, take a look at the family dynamics in your own home and see where things may have gone awry. It’s commonplace for things to be a little off but that is what makes us all unique. We all have our faults but it’s the things that we’re good at that overshadows all the negative parts of our persona. Again, the central point of all this is not to morally justify what all is associated with being a “video girl” because some girls really are in it for the groupie aspect, but it’s unfair by the same token as some are only using the video route as a venue for other successful aspirations.
Whether or not Angel falls into the category of “video girl” or “business woman” remains to be seen but I think people would be better off leaving well enough alone and out of other people’s business. It sounds like an ideal scenario but, sadly, gossip…gossip is the universal language that connects us all and without it, what would we ever talk about?
Cassidy-B.A.R.S.: The Barry Adrian Reese Story

I think it’s an overwhelming consensus that Cassidy is better suited for mixtapes and freestyle battles because his latest album is nothing more than a disappointment. Don’t get me wrong, I respect the talent Cassidy has as a lyricist but potential can only go so far. Although his last two albums weren’t well received, I found them to be somewhat entertaining so I expected a whole lot more from this one only to find myself skipping track after track. For some reason the album just didn’t appeal to me and I find it frustrating that an artist of Cassidy’s caliber can’t seem to make a decent album. So much so that it made me question how his producer, Swiss Beatz (of all people), could have a better album than him. Logically, it doesn’t make much sense because Cassidy is a better rapper, hands down, but in the words of Cassidy, “it is what it is”.
Conceptually, Cassidy seems to be stuck with this whole idea of “battling” his split personalities and, quite frankly, it’s starting to get old. It worked on his first album and barely made by on his second but by the time you’re on your third, eventually it’s time to grow and that’s what Cassidy fails to do. I’m not sure if he’s complacent, content, or a bunch of other words that I don’t even know but it feels like I’m listening to the same things he rapped about on his last two albums. Other than the fact that he beat a murder charge and survived a near-fatal car accident, what else does he have to say? My honest opinion is that he rushed this whole entire project and instead, should’ve took his time and been patient. The knock on Cassidy is that he’ll never be able to deliver a “classic” album and that right there should’ve been motivation enough. Unfortunaly, Cassidy fails miserably in his effort and while hardcore Cassidy fans will be remotely entertained, others will probably let B.A.R.S. fall on deaf ears. Truth be told, I know I did.
November 6, 2007
Are You In That Mood Yet?

I don’t really anticipate CD’s as much anymore thanks in part to Limewire, however, one CD that I am looking forward to is Joe Budden’s Mood Muzik 3: It’s About To Get Worse. There’s no doubt in my mind that Mood Muzik 2 proved that Joe Budden is, by far, the most underrated rapper alive and with the pending release of Mood Muzik 3...I expect him to only build on the great body of work he’s released thus far.
I’m not sure if you can tell or not, but Joe Budden is one of my favorite rappers. Needless to say, I’m more than happy that Def Jam finally released him because talent like his does not deserve to be pushed to the side. Personally, I feel that Def Jam mishandled the whole situation and should’ve released him a long time ago but pride can be a bitch sometimes. People never want to admit when they’re wrong but all of that is in the past. I’m sure whatever label Budden decides to sign with will realize what he brings to the table as an artist so the trade off of him being dropped will even out once everything is all said and done.
Getting back to the upcoming release of MM3, I read somewhere that it is scheduled to be released sometime in December and heaven forbid it gets pushed back. Would I be surprised? No. Disappointed? Yes. Anticipation is one thing but constant delays just kill whatever excitement there is around things of this nature. Then again, maybe I’m the only one that even cares. All I know is that no other artist is comparable to Joe Budden right now and aside from new albums from Lupe Fiasco and Lil’ Wayne, MM3 is definitely one of the few albums I’ll be checking for this fall. Are you in that mood yet?
Keyshia Cole's Vibe

In all seriousness though, I like the fact that Keyshia is exploring the sensual side of her womanhood because, unlike most, its done tastefully. Keyshia realizes that plenty of her fans are young African-American women and with so many mixed messages being conveyed, it's good that a positive role model like Keyshia is gracious enough to know that her image is the most fragile thing she has going.
A lot of entertainers disown the responsibility of being a “role model” but like it or not, that’s just the way it is. People are influenced by what their favorite “so and so” is and does so just the fact that Keyshia realizes that and remains humble by it, is something I feel should be commended. African-American women are more than what some music defines them to be and if more people took the time and effort to help educate some of those that are lost, then everything would fall in place. Stop blaming music for bad parenting and stop relying on things of that nature to be a babysitter! Morals and shit like that should be taught early so instead of blaming society for what you think is the problem, how about taking a look in the mirror and facing facts for what they really are. Besides, the first role model your kid ever has is you as a parent and apparently…some people just aren’t that to begin with.
November 5, 2007
Of all the "Things We Lost in the Fire"...

I know what you’re thinking. How can somebody criticize an actress that has crossed barriers that were once unimaginable (being the first African-American woman to win an Academy Award) and achieved so much in their career? Well, my whole thing is that regardless of who you are and what you represent, everybody is entitled to their fair share of criticism both positive and negative. As far as what Halle represents? I understand that it is very much a big deal for what she’s accomplished in being the first African-American woman to win an Academy award for best actress but my response to all that is, “but under what circumstances?” It took an explicit sex scene with Billy Bob Thornton for people to recognize talent? What kind of shit is that? The same could be said for Denzel Washington. It shouldn’t of taken his role as a crooked cop to award Denzel for something that he’s worked hard for over the years and there’s no doubt in my mind that he deserves it but society is just backwards sometimes.
Getting back on track…I realize that as an actress it’s hard to find work with everything being so competitive in this particular industry but doesn’t ONE person, at least, have common sense? Catwoman was horrendously bad, Gothika was laughable, and Perfect Stranger is not even worth mentioning. Words can’t describe how pissed off I am about this and although it might not be a big deal to some people…dammit it means something to me. All in all, I wish we could just incinerate every single copy of these films before they continue to pollute our local retail outlets/video stores but that’s just wishful thinking on my part. Even better, it would be great if I could just erase the thought of knowing that I sat through all of these and that I paid to do so. Either option would be just fine by me but then people would be scratching their head, asking themselves, “What was Monster’s Ball about again?” Oh wait…other than the fact that Halle Berry was naked in it…who really sat through the movie for the plot? On that note…I rest my case. Class dismissed.
November 4, 2007
Chris Brown: Exclusive

Call it a sophomore jinx but second albums rarely live up to their predecessor. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that Exclusive is a bad album because it’s really not. The subject matter is routine for someone Chris’s age so I’m sure a lot of his fans will be able to relate but my personal feeling is that Chris has so much potential yet is limited to this uniformed structure of how people want him to be. I respect the fact that Chris is willing to take risks when it comes to some of his song selections because when things come together, it really works well. Case and point would be his latest single, “Kiss Kiss”, produced by and featuring T-Pain and the counterbalance would be the dreadfully awful “Wall to Wall”. Without question, it’s clear to see why Jive Records decided to go with another single after “Wall to Wall” was not well received and while the current single is slowly gaining buzz, the follow up to “Kiss Kiss” will be equally important as well.
My best guess is that it will be a ballad (“Take You Down”) but up-tempo (“Picture Perfect”) is always an option. Either choice would be perfect but it all depends on how well the album does its first week. All that aside, Chris has plenty of material to choose from and plenty of help as well. Notable guest appearances include: Kanye West, Will.I.Am, Big Boi, T-Pain, Lil’ Wayne, and The Game so Chris is loaded as far as features are concerned. Vocally, Chris has grown into a class of his own and you can tell that he’s slowly finding his own voice. While he’s far from being mentioned in the same sentence as an Usher, Chris is slowly laying down the framework for where he hopes to be one day. Exclusive is part of that framework and after its all said and done will probably be an afterthought upon his next release but until then, his diehard fans will settle for his latest offering and be more than pleased with the result.
American Gangster

It would be easy to sit here and write out this long, elaborate diatribe of how good American Gangster really is but none of it would serve the movie its just due. It’s rare that a movie with so much promise delivers scene after scene and coming in at an approximate run time of 2 hrs and 37 min, every scene is concise in its efforts to draw audiences into what all is going on between/around all these characters. Even from its opening scene, American Gangster pulls you in and unlike every other mafia kingpin story, the film remains raw from beginning to end.
First things first though, American Gangster is based on a true story and tells the tale of Harlem heroin kingpin, Frank Lucas (Denzel Washington). Uninspired by conventional methods of drug trafficking, Lucas aspires to cut out the middle man by smuggling it into the states via American service planes returning from the Vietnam War. While pragmatic in establishing what he hopes to accomplish, Lucas embodies the reality around him and relishes the notion of controlling everything he puts his hands on. Make no mistake, Lucas is his own boss and, in some ways, his own worst enemy but the dividing line between the two are not even close. The same could be said for Richie Roberts (Russell Crowe), a detective who works off of merit alone, who in spite of the fact that he’s seemingly caught in the middle of a paradox, is working to bring Lucas and all he represents down.
Respectively, Lucas and Roberts are the antagonist and protagonist characters of this gritty, uncut story and the way Washington and Crowe are able to bring life to these characters is simply amazing. The performances of both actors make the film work in so many ways but the essence of the film lies in its fluidity. Ridley Scott masterfully paces the film throughout and the payoff is the moment Lucas and Roberts come face to face. By far it is one of the best scenes in the movie and although it comes off as simple, it exemplifies the conflict both characters had been trying to overcome throughout.
Without question, American Gangster deserves the praise it is getting from critics and movie goers alike and will be sure to become a new American classic. Whether or not it belongs among such names as Scarface, The Godfather, and things of that nature remain to be seen but at its purest, American Gangster is the antithesis of what we all strive for in the American dream. Life, love, and the pursuit of happiness…all by any means necessary.
American Gangster is rated R for violence, pervasive drug content and language, nudity, and sexuality.
November 3, 2007
Playaz Circle: Supply & Demand

Getting things started, “Dear Mr. LA Reid” serves as an opus to the hard work and dedication Dolla and Titty Boi have put in over the years to get here and while both members are far from being named lyricist of the year…the track works in that it allows them to be themselves. Conceptually, the album works because of this fact alone as none of the tracks seem forced. Trap music has become a constant staple among southern hip-hop artists and unlike those who are more so in it to exploit it, it’s evident that Playaz Circle is far from doing just that.
At only 11-tracks, Supply & Demand makes for a solid debut and should prove to be remotely profitable for Playaz Circle just off of the success of the Lil’ Wayne assisted “Duffle Bag Boy” alone. Aside from the aforementioned, guest appearances are few and far between but peep the Shawnna featured “Gucci Bag”. Although Shawnna is no longer with DTP, her verse alone makes you wonder why Ludacris would let her walk away because when compared to a lot of male rappers, half of them can’t hold a torch to Shawnna when she’s on top of her game. Real talk! Other standout cuts include “#1Trap Pick” and “Betta Knock” but overall the album is solid in its effort. Often times, debut albums are oversaturated but there seems to be a perfect mixture here of surefire beats, sub par lyrics, and relative subject matter which makes for a decent introduction for Playaz Circle and the perfect segue into the upcoming DTP compilation album due sometime in January.
October 30, 2007
Kim Kardashian ♥'s Playboy

I guess it was inevitable but can someone please explain to me why Kim Kardashian’s 15 seconds of fame is still going strong? I mean, what the hell is she even famous for? The only thing that comes to mind is the fact that she has been linked to everyone from Nick Cannon to Reggie Bush, and let’s not forget her infamous sex tape with Ray J, but other than that…what talent does this broad even have? Good looks can only get you so far and with her much “talked about” playboy pictorial hitting shelves sometime next month, I guess Kim is wallowing in what time she has left.
Most recently Kim graced the cover of last month’s KING magazine and made history as one of the first non-African American woman to ever get the cover but call a ace a ace and a spade a spade…people just can’t seem to get enough of Ms. Kardashian. Her television show, Keeping Up With The Kardashian’s, on the E! Network debuted on October 14th and only proves the aforementioned to be correct For what it’s worth, Kim is soaking up every bit of time she has left and with little to no talent…I can’t wait to see what happens when all those flashing lights turn to bitter bulbs. What a day it’ll be, the only bad part is that a new “Kim Kardashian” will be brought to the forefront and so goes this never-ending, vicious circle. Viva La White Girl!
The Clash of the Titans: Patriots Vs. Colts [11/04/07]

Undoubtedly, the New England Patriots have been on a roll, unlike no other, this season and will be a tough task, even for the defending Super Bowl Champion, Indianapolis Colts; however, much will be determined following the conclusion of this Sunday’s all important match up. While home field isn’t necessarily key for both teams, the importance of it speaks volumes as neither team has won a playoff game on the road when meeting in the postseason. While Sunday’s game will only serve as a measuring stick for both teams, the outcome will be a mute point because it’s only fitting that these two teams are destined to meet up once more…only next time, a berth to the Super Bowl will be on the line and if you thought last year’s game was exciting…something tells me that we haven’t seen anything yet.
Led by QB Tom Brady and his league leading 30 TD passes, New England is prime to avenge the consecutive losses they’ve suffered to Indy the last few meetings but by the same token, Indianapolis is feeling pretty confident as well. Not much is being said about the Colts as they have flown mostly under the radar with an impressive start but in order to be the champ, you have to beat the champ …and last I checked, the Lombardi trophy still resides in Indianapolis.
Randy Moss was clearly a key acquisition in the off-season and what can be said about the play of Wes Welker? The Patriots have developed an all-around game and in all three phases they go out and dominate week in and week out. Face it! The Patriots are that damn good! Period. What more can be said? This is the same team that put up 52 points on the #5 defense in the NFL (Washington) so one can only imagine where things can go from here.
All these whispers of will they or won’t they go 16-0 is premature as well so until it becomes a remote possibility…it’s one game at a time. Cliché I know but that’s what it all comes down to. The competition in the NFL is too good these days for a team to run the table so I expect the Pats to slip up and lose eventually but…not this Sunday. The Pats are in a class of their own and have had a chip on their shoulder ever since they realized the opportunity they let slip away last year in the AFC championship game against Indy. Believe me, the Patriots took that to heart and will be out to prove once and for all why they are the best team and come hell or high water, I expect them to do just that. The road to the Super Bowl starts Sunday in Indianapolis…and if the Pats have their way…it’ll end with another championship parade in Foxboro.
Final Score Prediction
New England 38, Indianapolis 24
October 29, 2007
The Curse of the Red Sox

In retrospect, I feel that really there is no comparison between the two when considering the magnitude of what took place in ‘04. NO team in MLB history had ever come back from 0-3 and for the Red Sox to not only make history, but also do it against the New York Yankees, of all teams, made things bittersweet to say the least.
I’ll admit, the way things were shaping up, I expected to see another Sox/Yanks match up for the ALCS…but once Cleveland took a 3-1 lead, I couldn’t of been any happier. Call it foolish pride but, plain and simple, the curse of Cleveland reared its ugly head and once again the city was left scratching its head wondering, “why us?”
The same could be said for the city of Colorado after last night’s series ending sweep. Nothing hurts more than to see another team celebrate a championship on YOUR home field and whatever “Rocktober” magic that led this team to winning 21 of their last 22 to advance to the World Series is merely an afterthought because it disappeared when they needed it most. I’m not one for moral victories but the Red Sox were just the better team, as much as it pains me to say it. Nobody ever predicted the Colorado Rockies to make it as far as they did nor the way they did but this team has a bright future ahead of them so I’m sure they’ll be back in years to come, For now the commissioner’s trophy resides in Boston and who knows, the way things are going, may also be home to the Vince Lombardi, Larry O’ Brien, and BCS National Championship trophies as well.
October 25, 2007
Saw IV {The Prelude}
If it's Halloween…it must be saw. It's rare that ever so often a low budget movie like Saw comes along and has the lasting effect that it has on people year after year. Most franchises become stale and repetitive (I.e. Halloween, Friday the 13th, just to name a few) after that magic number of 3 but something tells me that Saw is going to buck the trend of such franchises that overstay their welcome. With a reported 5th and 6th installment already planned for release in 2008 and 2009 respectively, Saw IV will be the stepping stone for the aforementioned to take place. The only question is…how? Jigsaw is dead (like it or not…he's dead people…there's no way humanly possible that someone can survive a slash to the throat) as well as his apprentice Amanda, so for the creators to kill off two of their main characters is franchise suicide in most people's eyes. I, however, beg to differ. The possibilities from here on out are endless if done the right way and in less than 24 hours, all questions will be answered. The only bad thing is that soon there after, more questions will be up for discussion and the long wait until next Halloween will not come soon enough. I'll admit, I was a little skeptical at first when Saw first came out a few years ago because I've never been much of a fan of horror movies. Quite frankly, horror movies just don't do anything for me so for a movie like Saw to come along I questioned the fortitude of it's premise and chalked it up as "just another horror movie". Needless to say, I was wrong. I had heard from countless people of how good it actually was so my expectations were raised somewhat and with every passing frame, I felt as if I was swallowing every single word I had bad mouthed about Saw. I guess what really drew me in was the fact that it wasn't your typical horror movie and more so a psychological thriller…with a little element of shock value to classify it as a part of the horror genre. I'm a HUGE fan of movies that make me think and Saw does just that. If you don't believe me, watch for yourself. Upon first viewing it's hard to piece together the puzzle pieces that are laid out before your eyes that are in EACH movie, but they're there. What exactly am I talking about, you ask? Case and point, Saw II is a perfect example of the double entendre (*a double entendre is a word or phrase that could mean one thing but also another) technique that the Saw creators have come to know and love. In the case of Saw II, early in the movie Jigsaw tells Detective Matthews that "your son is in a SAFE place". Assuming you've seen Saw II then most of you know that Detective Matthews son was in deed SAFE when it was all said and done BUT he was also found in a SAFE that was in the same room as Jigsaw and Detective Matthews the whole 1st half of the movie. It's all one big puzzle and when the last piece comes together I'm sure we'll be looking at one of the greatest endings to a franchise since…since…fill in the blank. Albeit the end is quite some time away with Saw 5 and Saw 6 in planned production, Saw IV opens nationwide in a few hours and the anticipation is slowly eating away at what all is going to be revealed. Like I said, Jigsaw is dead and so is Amanda so even though Tobin Bell (Jigsaw) and Shawnee Smith (Amanda) are credited as being in Saw IV, I expect most of their time on screen to be limited to flashbacks…however, It wouldn't surprise me if they pulled a fast one and brought one, or both, of them back somehow. If so, a little bit of credibility will be lost from my vantage point anyway but if it makes for a good installment to an already well-established franchise then I'm all for it. I expect a lot from this year's Saw as well as a lot of questions answered. I'm sure a lot of people feel the same way as well but I'm not talking from the casual fans point of view, I'm talking from the point of view of someone who watches Saw religiously in hopes of piecing together this whole thing and see how it will all come together in the end. First and foremost, the last thing I'm worried about is the anticlimactic end of Saw III. I could care less if Jeff finds his daughter because all of that is a mute point when compared to Jigsaw being dead along with Amanda. I'm sure questions will be answered as to if Jeff succeeds or fails his new test but to hell with Jeff…he's had enough screen time and all his fucking complaining was getting on my nerves. He got what he wanted in facing all the people that were partially responsible for the death of his son but in killing Jigsaw, he shitted on everything he would've gained and lost it all…AGAIN! I now present to you, Jeff, the award for dumbass of the year! I know that may be a little harsh but I beg to differ. His actions set off a new chain of events that I'm sure Jigsaw already knew ahead of time would be set in motion so the opening of Saw IV will reportedly be an autopsy scene of Jigsaw which leads to the examiner(s) finding an infamous "play me" tape. Before I continue…backing up to Saw III…a lot of people were wondering what Jigsaw was doing towards the end while trying to defuse the Amanda and Lynn situation. If you remember, Amanda was literally at her breaking point over the fact that she felt as though she was losing John (Jigsaw) but all John would say is that "Lynn is bigger than you know". Turns out she was because she was Jeff's wife and due to the fact that Amanda was a murderer with a high tolerance for pain for pleasure (she cut herself to alleviate)…it led to her killing Jeff's wife, and Jeff killing her. All that aside, while all this was going on, (before Jeff makes it into the room) Jigsaw pours wax over a tape and nothing more is mentioned about it. He isn't shown to have swallowed it or nothing so one would have to assume that he had to have or he had done so prior…meaning their were two tapes and depending on how things played out then one is the one that will be played during the opening sequence of Saw IV and the other…is a mute point. Many questions abound in the Saw universe and seeing that I'm working my way backwards I guess I'll stay on Saw III. Referring back to Amanda cutting herself for pain/pleasure, she only does so after reading the contents of a brown manila envelope. Again, nothing is mentioned about it after the scene so the contents of the envelope had to of been something that was disappointing because up until that point, Amanda was fragile as far as her state of mind was concerned, but after that point she was fucking crazy. I guess her true self shined and as a result it led to her death but the whole point is that Jigsaw knew that she was not ready to be his apprentice. Why? Because Jigsaw is not a murderer and Amanda is. Amanda was the mastermind behind ALL the traps in Saw III and nobody was able to survive their trap. None of the traps were winnable and the one time somebody did win (Detective Kerry, technically won her trap of putting her hand in acid for a key to unlock the harness she was being held in high off the ground), their ribcage was ripped apart as Amanda watched on. The separation between Amanda and Jigsaw is plainly evident in their approach in that Jigsaw actually wants his subjects to survive. Amanda, however, wants them to survive kind of but wants them to fail also because she feels that even though they survive…what's going to keep them from being the way they once were. A near death experience doesn't change everybody so Amanda feels that they don't deserve to live, plain and simple. Getting back to the envelope, rumors are running rampant that the contents of it entailed that it was a paternity test proving that Jigsaw is not Amanda's father but that is strictly rumor. I can see how figuratively Amanda would want Jigsaw to be her father (*she says it in one of the Saw films too btw…"I found someone who was like a father to me") seeing that she survived her reverse "bear trap" trap and the relationship there after was "weird" to say the least but I hope it's something more creative IF even revealed in Saw IV. Off subject but still relevant, another theory around Amanda is that she purposely sabotaged the trap of Saw I. Everything Jigsaw say's is for a reason so when you hear him tell her, "put the chain on Adam's LEFT foot" but it's on his right when his "corpse" is shown in the second movie. It leads some Saw fanatics to believe that when Amanda came back to kill Adam, that she didn't finish the job and Adam is possibly still alive ..meaning that the corpse is not him. How much value can be placed on that? I'd say slim to none but it's a possibility so take it for what it's worth. What can be said though about this whole Amanda and Adam thing though is that some would argue that Adam was designed to win his game. This goes back to the fact that Amanda didn't want people to survive their game so what I'm referring to is the opening of Saw I and the shot of the key being sucked down the drain. The key, I'm assuming was supposed to free Adam from his ankle chain and was supposed to be placed down next to it but instead…Amanda lazily tosses the key onto Adam while he's laying in the water. Adam slips down in deeper and it's easy to see how the key could make it's way down the drain. Maybe I'm reading too much into this whole scene along with the other people who have noticed the same thing, but motive has to be questioned with Amanda and everything she does because of the way she is. Rewinding to Saw II, not many questions surrounded this film but in reviewing it I noticed a lot that I didn't the first few times. The most obvious being the fact that of all the people in the house, Amanda was the only one who didn't show signs of the "fast acting poison" that everybody else was coughing, spitting up blood from. In hindsight, we all know why when it was revealed that she was a part of it but she also picks up something from every scene that the group is in together. Watch it for yourself, if you don't believe me. Amanda can be seen off to her self manipulating something in every scene so that right there was a clue that something was a bit offsetting about her being there. Besides the fact that she had played before, nobody questioned these two things in the movie nor did it reveal that she didn't have a number on the back of her neck. Why would she? Amanda wasn't the only shady character in Saw II, however, Obi was one that was revealed to have captured everybody and helped place them in the house. What relationship does he have to Jigsaw? I'm assuming those questions will be answered in Saw IV but for all you people who didn't know…Obi WAS actually in Saw III. Think back to the brain surgery scene where Jigsaw had a flashback of a woman (that was his wife/girlfriend) but as she is walking on the left side of the screen and pauses to look back at John presumably, you can see Obi walk towards the screen on the right so there has to be something their not telling us…just yet. Whatever the relationship is, I'm sure it will solve quite a few things but I'm thinking it will fall along the lines of the Zeb character from Saw I. Zeb was the orderly who captured Dr. Gordon's wife and daughter in the first film so maybe that may be explained more also so we'll see. As for the rest of Saw II, I felt that it was lacking the aptitude that made the first Saw what it was but it was essential to whatever their building for this next installment. The characters are relevant for a reason so the relationships between them as test subjects to jigsaw will serve a purpose to Saw IV so look for the analysis of their inclusion in Saw IV. From what I'm hearing, a lot of people are coming back…even people we don't expect. Even people we don't expect…? What a segue into Saw IV, don't you think? In trying to piece together what Saw IV could be about, my own personal theory is that it is going to be revealed that Dr, Gordon (the guy who cut off his foot and crawled out the room…he NEVER was shown to have died) has played a pivotal role in all of this the whole time, somehow. Remember his pen WAS found at one of the crime scenes in Saw I so I'm sure there's a reason for that. If not Dr. Gordon, then Detective Matthews will be back in some way. He was never shown to be killed either but it is assumed so I'm just throwing that out there. As far as facts, I'm hearing that it will be revealed that Jill (Jigsaw's wife/girlfriend…from flashbacks) was pregnant at one time or another and that she lost the baby. How exactly? My lips are sealed but it's going to make for one hell of a trap involving a guy named Cecil. I just love how the Saw franchise keeps everything so SHARP, don't you? Continuing on, I'm also hearing that the reason why a jigsaw piece is cut out the victims will be revealed somewhat and just that a mixture of old/new characters will help pull all three films together…leading up to a climatic 9-minute ending that will be sure not to disappoint Until then…let the games begin.