August 22, 2008

Lloyd: Lessons In Love

Consistency goes unnoticed, in my opinion, but Lloyd has quietly put out two solid albums thus far. While he may not be as mainstream as say an Usher or Chris Brown, his music is equally on par with such heavyweights and I truly feel that he deserves more recognition then what he's been given. Plain and simple, a lot of people don't like Lloyd. For whatever reason, I don't know. However, with this new album Lessons In Love, Lloyd comes correct and whether you're a fan of his or not, it'll be hard pressed to deny that.

Getting things started, "Sex Education" sets the mood and not only serves as the perfect precursor for the album; but transitions smoothly into the Lil' Wayne assisted "Girls Around The World". I'll admit. At first, I hated this song with a passion, but it became one of those that grows on you after awhile. Maybe it's the fact that Lloyd and Lil' Wayne just have great chemistry together or whatever but, regardless, this song is the shit! Up next, "Treat U Good" finds Lloyd in his comfort zone and you can really tell that he's having fun with this, however, it's the smooth and melodic "Year of the Lover" that takes things to an even higher level. By far, THE standout track of note, Lloyd really connects with this song and I hope he goes with this as his next single. Words can't even begin to describe how much I love this song; besides, I doubt words would even do it justice.

From there, "I Can Change Your Life" and "Lose Your Love" have there moments but I vibed instantly with "Love Making 101" and "Have My Baby". Each song, as a representation of itself, is good in its own right--and again, telling you about them just won't do it justice.

Plain and simple, this album [as a whole] is on point from start to finish ("I'm Wit It" and "Heart Attack" close the album perfectly) and save for "Touched by an Angel" and "Party All Over Your Body" serving mostly as album filler; this album is absolutely incredible. Lloyd really stepped his game up and delivers a timeless piece of work while, in the process, validating his career as well. No longer will he be cast into the shadows and forced idly by, reduced to the background; Instead, Lloyd shines brighter than ever and if Lessons In Love is any indication, I'm sure Lloyd has plenty more tricks left up his sleeve. Therefore, class is in session. I suggest you pay attention.
Rating: 7.5 headphones out of 10


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