June 26, 2008

Jay-Z Stepping Out On Beyoncé

It seems [to me] that all these Jay-Z and Beyoncé rumors are concentrated, because they never seem to go away. If anything, more and more seem to pop up and for some reason, that Missy Elliott song "Gossip Folks" is starting to come to mind as I write this, but never mind that.

Anyway, I'm sure a lot of you have heard by now but the latest rumor is saying that Jay was seen having a romantic dinner with UK singer Alesha Dixon at the Zuma restaurant in London, England. Now, the way I look at things, I take everything at face value and this doesn't appear to be anything salacious at all. If anything, I would say it's nothing more than two people having dinner and that's it, but gossip hounds are running with this thing and making it bigger than it really is.

Am I surprised? Quite honestly no, but I kind of expected another Jay & Beyoncé rumor to pop up here sooner or later and what do you know? I was right. It just goes to show that the media can over analyze things sometimes and should be a little more reserved when it comes to things of this nature; but, this is the media we're talking about. Since when have they ever been wrong?


Anonymous said...

Absolutely no Story, Alesha was in LA all of last week and Jay Z in London, where do these sources get so much mis information

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